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Topic Description:
We will discuss the many definitions surrounding objective and its counterparts in great depth.
We will consider the word's origin and the philosophical argument presented by the term "Objective Reality."
This is not meant to be a religious forum, which is why I have posted it in the philosophy section.

We will cover the following questions to get started:
What is the definition of Objectivity?
What is the argument presented by the term "Objective Reality?"

Please help productively refine my and others' understanding by following these guidelines:
  • NUMBER 1: Please ask questions and only state a dispute with an example to improve my understanding, this forum is intended to educate with an interactive environment.
  • Be open-minded and curious. Do not dismiss or ignore answers that challenge your reality or beliefs. Try to embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Try to approach them with logical, critical, and professional minds, and seek to understand the evidence and reasoning behind them.
  • Be empathetic and respectful. Do not judge or ridicule other people’s perspectives or experiences. Try to comprehend their viewpoints and appreciate their contributions to the larger and more intricate reality. Try to see how different perspectives can form a more complex and complete picture of the world.
  • Be honest and responsible. Always prioritize speaking the truth and avoid making definitive claims when uncertain. Use qualifiers like "about," "I saw," "I think," or "I believe" to convey information accurately.
  • Be clear about the source of your knowledge when sharing with others. This fosters a truthful and respectful environment for discussions.
  • Be relevant and on-topic. Do not deviate from the main topic of the forum. Do not post irrelevant or off-topic comments and links that aren't productive to the questions being discussed.
  • Be constructive and creative. Do not simply criticize or reject other people’s ideas. Try to offer positive feedback, suggestions, or alternatives.
  • Be clear and concise. Try to use clear and accurate language as much as possible. To have effective communication it is necessary to speak understandably.
14 3
How many truths exist in reality, and is there an ultimate truth?
In this forum, I encourage you to share your Understanding and knowledge you have obtained that is relevant to the nature and origin of truth.
I would like to start off with the objective and subjective truths of reality, but you're welcome to include any other perspectives in the discussion.

We will cover the following questions to get started, but please feel free to ask new ones related to the topic:
  • How many truths are there?
  • Are any truths superior to others?
  • What if multiple truths conflict?

Please use the following guidelines to productively participate in the forum:
  • Be open-minded and curious. Do not dismiss or ignore answers that challenge your reality or beliefs. Try to embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Try to approach them with logical, critical, and professional minds, and seek to understand the evidence and reasoning behind them.
  • Be empathetic and respectful. Do not judge or ridicule other people’s perspectives or experiences. Try to comprehend their viewpoints and appreciate their contributions to the larger and more intricate reality. Try to see how different perspectives can form a more complex and complete picture of the world.
  • Be honest and humble. Do not claim or imply that your knowledge is superior or definitive. Try to acknowledge the limitations and uncertainties of your knowledge, and the sources and influences that shape it. Try to value words for their merits and usefulness, not for the labels or credentials of their source.
  • Be relevant and on-topic. Do not deviate from the main topic of the forum. Do not post irrelevant or off-topic comments and links that aren't productive to the questions being discussed.
  • Be constructive and creative. Do not simply criticize or reject other people’s ideas. Try to offer positive feedback, suggestions, or alternatives.
  • Be clear and concise. Try to use clear and simple language as much as possible. To have effective communication it is necessary to speak understandably.
I hope everyone enjoys this forum.

7 2
Hey guys! *This post is not for debating for and against objective morality* Rather I would like to challenge everyone to think and search for the evidence of objective morality. The goal I think is to understand what we currently know and take for granted.

I will start us off with what I know: 

First and foremost is the world's tendency towards a moral law. Maybe it is harder for us to see directly, but everything we do is guided by a reasoning of "do or ought not do." It is easily seen when we say "should I", as you do when you make the decision to eat breakfast or go to work. This means we have an evaluation before we make an act. We obviously don't see these type of premeditation in animals (try keeping a hungry chicken from food for example XD), which points us to something else special for us. 

Now we look at our actions to see where objectivity lies. To be objectively moral means to have an objective standard by which you measure things to. When you are cut in line, or are cheated, beaten etc, we always expect the person hurting us to understand the wrongness of what he did, appealing to a common standard (which is why we want him punished). This doesn't mean that we have to follow this standard, but that we both see it. We don't expect these same standards of animals (try telling a mosquito to stop sucking blood ;), but instead expect it of those around us.

This is big, because just as we have an innate untaught sense to eat, this standard guides us beyond the likes of animals, explaining why people from all cultures and backgrounds all point to murder and atrocities such as Hitler's exterminations as objectively wrong.

(once more I only ask for brain storming on the topic of objective morality not a debate on it ;)
Please know it that I do not want a search from the perspective of a moral creator (though surly it leads it it), instead I ask we use our combined minds to reveal what we can know by observation.

I would love to see more examples of how the moral law affects our lives or how we would be without morality. These two things certainly bring us to understand how the moral law exists.

"A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true" - Socrates
"Force always attracts men of low morality" -Albert Einstein
"Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to society" -Thomas Jefferson

Thank you all,
To truth!

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