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I haven’t seen a real debate on the februari 28 meeting in thewhite house. It is clear that the treatment of Zelensky during thatconference in front of the press was rude and inappropriate. Butthere are many madmen in the world, especially in the USA. Just likethere are poeple who believe the earth is flat or worship God, thereare MAGA-fanatics who worship Trump.

I look at this as aEuropean. Whether the Trump administration is good for the USA isdebatable, but is clearly bad for the free world. Pubicly humiliatinga democraticly elected leader whose country is invaded by an autocratis merely one illustration of Trump’s rampage. Like Kaja Kallassaid: “The free world needs a new leader.”

It seems ludicrousto have to argue my position, but maybe I am living in an informationbuble, shielded from the good arguments that might exist in defenseof the White House treatment of Zelensky.
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