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What happened to him and Kohlberger should scare the shit out of everyone. This is the surveillance state in full force. Whether he was in the right or jot is beyond the point, but less than 24 hours after the shooting they knew the hostile he stayed at, every business he went to and his route to and from everywhere during his entire new york stay and they could track him back to Atlanta.

This is exactly why the government needs to be weak. A government that can monitor you this closely is dangerous in the wrong hands. 

Do you think the government is benevolent and can be trusted and has never done anything unethical? We need to dismantle the surveillance state. 

I will tell you another thing as well. The better the surveillance state, the more black men are disproportionately imprisoned due to the disproportionate amount of crime they commit. You should be very concerned about the inequality caused by your techno-utopian surveillance state
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We have a society that is celebrating murder of the CEO of UHG. I can see how this can be scary for somebody with a lot of influence or power. Perhaps somebody scared they may be perceived the same way, particularly healthcare CEOs or perhaps war profiteers.  

Some of those liberally inclined who understand but do not partake in the bloodlust of the masses seem to think that the bloodlust is a result of a frustration with the healthcare system. 

I can't speak for the left in this instance, though maybe after more study I can. However I can speak for the right.

  Insurance companies say "buy my product and we will cover your healthcare costs" 

We go " that,s awesome" then if we get sick or hurt and file a claim with the insurance company 

They say: "we won't cover that"

We are much more likely to also believe our doctor when they tell us what we need then the insurance company who will reccomend ignorant shit like a lifetime of medicine as opposed to doing a one time surgery as well. 

That sort of thing is just undeniably evil. If you are an insurance CEO. I want you being a millionaire. I want you challenging insurance fraud. I do not want you fucking me out of whatever my doctor believes I need. He knows better than you.

This of course doesn't explain the blood lust. However it does explain how the media and some some very public liberals misconstrue the bloodlust in what I think is an attempt to get us socialized medicine. 

To get to this bloodlust, which I think is healthy though those with a stick up their ass may disagree 

# hints of a violent past

Some phrases that are in common parlance and also hint at our more bloodthirsty past.

"Don't mess with a man who has nothing to lose"

That isn't a pleasure for mercy but a warning about the potential for violence this person has.

"Always leave the enemy an escape"

Again a hint at how blood thirsty we can be. If you put the enemy in too much of a corner and give him no option he will gladly become extremely blood thirsty.

"Surrender with honor"

# The underlying calculus that built society

Society is and was built on the ideal of vengeance as an inherent cost built into our transactions. If you screwed a man hard enough, he may just come after you. 

The shopkeeper of modern times may no longer have to beat thieves and can just call the cops, but doesn't mean we have forgotten that this value underpinning civilization and why the court system exists at all.

The mob no longer has to seek justice against the degenerate who wrecked the communal green, but the abhorrent disgust in such an action is there long before it needs to be acted on, because of the justice system. 

# modern society

In modern society we got to such a point that we priced vigilantism in so we'll that we forget it wad priced in at all. This is what allowed people like Brian thompson to legally murder more people than 100 Jeffrey Dahmers and still feel untouchable. 

Many CEOs aren't concerned with taking a fractional hit if they can be profitable murdering thousands of people. .

# conclusion 

Sure this is a sign of a type of decay of society, but it isn't a drift away from the norm. It is a return to the norm. For a while a type of ball hung in the air, unrecognized, even forgotten but now it has dropped. CEOs who murder people now are crying that they need society. These are smart guys but they just forget or never learned what society was built on. This underlying and consistent threat that hangs over all of us and keeps us civilized. That forgotten calculus in out interactions is what bad actors took advantage of. Now they must increase security if they are to become serial killers. 

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So by now everyone has heard about millions of drones just crawling all over new jersey.

The government will not talk about what the fuck is going on with them. Insiders are saying g that if the government doesn't tell us now, he will tell us what the fucknis going on when he is in office.

Why the hell do we have to wait for trump to get in office to know what this creepy shit is? 

Democrats, please defend not telling jersey citizens what the hell is going on.

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