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I like to hide. Jeans, t shirt and a baseball cap is not my preferred style, but it does allow me to blend in . 

I usually keep my head shaved because it is the most common haircut and allows me to blend in, in situations I can't wear a hat. 

When it is less than 60° outside I always wear a hoodie. Usually Grey or black and pulled low over my face. 

There are no logos on my clothes and typically the shirts are black. 

I typically keep to myself and yet somehow my reputation precedes me. Everyone knows my name. They like me. I don't typically like them, though I am kind. 

I don't make small talk and try to avoid people who do. I sometimes act aggressive towards those who do make small talk because they have pierced the veil I am trying to keep between me and the world. 

I never take my headphones off because It helps me create distance. I enjoy coffee shops in book stores because it us one of the few places where people will not attempt to talk to you. 

Usually I avoid people but the exception is really large crowds. I enjoyed Vegas for example because I was alway in a crowd and nobody noticed me.

The only person I don't avoid is my son. I do try to avoid my wife. She knows what she signed up for. 

In case you are wondering, I find it rude if I feel or hear your presence. Can I hear you talking on the phone over my headphones?

Are you not loud but boisterous in public? 

Do you try to stand out in any way?

If yes to any of those than go fuck yourself.

Why do I hide myself?

I don't know. I don't know that I care that much. I don't consider it a flaw. I consider it a moral failing if anyone else does not hide, though.
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