Total debates: 19
Troll debate so Boba_Tea can get voting privileges.
Troll debate so Boba_Tea can get voting privileges.
Troll debate so Boba_Tea can get voting privileges.
Troll debate so Sting gets his voting privileges.
Troll debate so Sting gets his voting privileges.
Troll debate so Sting gets his voting privileges.
Last troll debate.
Troll debate.
Troll debate so xoulal gets the ability to vote and participate in rated debates. There will be 3 separate troll debates.
Last troll debate.
Troll debate to get the_quiet_poet9 voting privileges and the ability to participate in rated debates.
Troll debate so FishChaser gets voting privileges.
After this debate finishes, FishChaser will be able to accept/create Rated Debates and vote on any he wants.
Troll debate so FishChaser gets his voting privileges.
Troll debate so swordburial17 gets his voting privileges.
This is a dumb, troll debate, but I'm bored and want to debate