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I will be addressing real conversations from this community and doing my best to make an address after the conversation has settled.  

The intent of this exercise is to promote healthy and relevant discussion on a topic many have taken interest in debating.  I have no political affiliation besides loyalty to my fellow citizens, no financial interest, and no professional pressure influencing my writing.  While it is nice that there aren't a lot of sources of bias to impart, I also don't have any real accountability and I am limited by my experience.  To offset any shortcoming, critical review is necessary.  There is no reason to treat the information as an authoritative reference.  It's aimed to help people convey their intentions in a way that others can relate to.

Engagement is encouraged.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 
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When privileged black people get a chance to speak on a social media or MSM platform, they abuse that privilege by spreading lies and divisive misinformation and disinformation that ends up harming black Americans. What this woman said in the news clip being discussed by Brandon Tatum is a perfect example of this. She LIED! As all race baiters do. 

What did she say that was factually accurate? Nothing! What she said only adds fuel to the fire of intentional false race baiting nonsense and anti-police rhetoric. This is what gives some black people the idea they have the right and are entitled to question law enforcement officials, resist arrest, and even assault police for merely doing their job.

Prove me (him) wrong. 
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