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Posted in:
Anti trust laws need to be used more to fight inflation
Tyson meats increased their profit from last year by fifty percent, even though costs have gone up only a fraction. It's otherwise a fact that only a handful of companies control the bulk of the economy and can simply raise costs without fear of competition. Anti trust laws have strong bipartisan support even though there's strong bipartisan corruption fighting use of these laws. 

Competition is the American way... let's keep it like that by using our antitrust laws
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On the fence
I listed ten issues. Can u name ten issues to vote republican? If all u do is list the opposite of what I do, that's the opposite of educated. There's a reason republicans r known as not the party of science. 

Also, I can list a less convincing list of reasons to vote Republican. Objectively, there r pros and cons to both sides. If u can't find reasons to vote ur opposite that says more about u than ur argument... u r obviously blinded by ideology.
Posted in:
On the fence
Dems represent fairer elections

Dems r generally better on environment

Republicans run up the debt with irrational tax cuts mostly for rich

The rich should be taxed more
Posted in:
On the fence
Healthcare is a right and Republican s want to repeal obamacare without offering a replacement

Gun control is effective and Republicans refuse to pony up

Global warming is a serious threat

The government has a place in promoting alt energy

The minimum wage needs to increase

Free trade isn't always best

Libertarians r clowns and least with a dem u know u don't have to worry... Tho both parties r status quo these days

I could go on and on. A lot of these ideas r based on science and logic that the conservatives here r too stupid to understand, so I'll just keep this more like a list
Posted in:
Which side is divisive?
There is no God but Allah, and Trump is his president
Posted in:
Genuine Question for right-wing people regarding the handling of the poor that need food banks.
I remember u braggin bout ur retirement account... U must do a lotta scheming to cultivate both the higher an lower states of society
Posted in:
Who here says that men can have babies?
I agree that conservatives make identity politics a distraction but so do liberals. Some liberals media actually insist men can sometimes have babies. Instead of finding a distraction argument that supports a partisan agenda like u r doin u should join me in concluding that it's stupid to insist men can have babies. I never said we shouldn't refer to them as their preferred pronoun so u have no reason to make that the issue. It's OK for u to criticize liberals sometimes too. I always vote dems to Congress but I can still criticize liberals too
Posted in:
Who here says that men can have babies?
I think think it's a biological fact that men can't have babies, but I respect opposition too much to say it's a sociological fact. To the generic idea that men can have babies, I think liberals twist themselves into all kinds of positions that they're forced to conclude something as silly as that

This site doesn't get as much into identity politics
Posted in:
Historical fact of the martyrdom of apostles as proof of Christianity

Info on the martyrdom of the apostles as historical fact

What do skeptics think of this argument?
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The cult loves him too much not to forgive him.... all he'd need is a few forgiving swing voters to join in
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You'll never see trump as toxic as he'd be in an unmoderated debate
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Which party is better at making life easier for its citizens?
U say u don't like either party but Republicans aren't as bad. I don't see enough examples to support that conclusion. I think u have a chip on ur shoulder about bidens covid response and u focus too much on that. I still maintain ur words r too obscure to make sense of
Posted in:
Which party is better at making life easier for its citizens?
What are some examples from each party where they have made life economically easier for every day joes, and include what the parties aspire to as other examples? Then, analyze why democrats make life comparatively worse economically

Your words r too abstract to be meaningful
Posted in:
Which party is better at making life easier for its citizens?
This includes largely making life more affordable.

It seems republicans are more likely to focus on everything else except these things

Discuss, debate
Posted in:
If god is real, god is amoral.
If there can be good purpose derived from suffering and evil, then that wouldn't mean that god is amoral. If god is limited in how he can interact with creation then that's also another way God isn't to blame... of course that would require re examining what it means, God's power
Posted in:
How racist are you
A lot of those questions r calling things racist that really aren't.  Yes there is a word or concept that captures what the poll giver intended, but racist isn't it. The races r objectively different in many ways... to deny that is much more racist than to recognize it
Posted in:
We r slaves to society
That's a good point... I guess my main complaint is that the standard of forty hours is too much.  Our technology is too advanced to require that much effort by everyone for what we get. A three day weekend would be a step in the right direction
Posted in:
We r slaves to society
Simply by existing in the USA, u r forced to work.  The only way to afford most necessities is by working forty hours a week. If a person is lucky they may live in a low cost of living area, and could possibly subsist part time.  But most part time jobs r lower pay, and u wouldn't have much to show for ur effort. 

How can ya not agree at least to a degree that we r slaves to society?

I gotta guess there's charity.  But that makes ur options, bein a slave or relying on hand outs
Posted in:
Are Christians bootlickers?
Ah yes... but what if we actually support Joe biden torturing his enemies?
Posted in:
It is irrational to Say inflation will cancel out a minimum wage increase
How r the effects on inflation different if everyone's wage were increased by ten percent versus if only the minimum were increased by ten percent? That's not clear in your theory

Posted in:
It is irrational to Say inflation will cancel out a minimum wage increase
If everyone's wage were increased by ten percent the inflation would go up ten percent. If minimum were increased by ten percent then inflation might go up two percent. It would be illogical to say total inflation would go up ten percent in both of those situations. Thus a decent minimum would disproportionate help the poor and not be cancelled out by inflation
Posted in:
poor accounting with tax revenue - bloated healthcare/military, borrowing against social security
I think I can say based on this thread that I favor making things run more efficient than I do tax increases. Not that I'm opposed to not taxing the wealthy more
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It is short sighted to argue we should drill for oil as much as possible in the usa
We should focus on exploiting the resources of other countries first

We should treat our own oil like a bank account and use it strategically and save some for when things start gettin outta control down the road

Governments r bad at competency but what they should do is have gas prices high enough to encourage alt energy but not so high it's un afford able

Posted in:
It is irrational to Say inflation will cancel out a minimum wage increase
True inflation is where everyone gets their wage increased... a reasonable minimum wage only increases inflation at the margin but the poor people r benefited more proportionally than inflation increased
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The current paper money economy is worse than bitcoin - energy
That aint a bad argument actually
Posted in:
The current paper money economy is worse than bitcoin - energy
I've seen studies that say banking is way more energy intensive... but I'm just talking from my common sense view, supporting a cash economy is very energy intensive
Posted in:
The current paper money economy is worse than bitcoin - energy
Bitcoin uses the same energy as a small country but it's largely renewable energy as most feasible to be profitable.  Think of how much energy the current financial sector uses especially banking. All that sorting and storage and transfers.
Posted in:
biden is being too provocative in escalating tensions with russia over ukraine
Do u think the USA has a right to pick a fight with Russia as the USA is currently doing? 
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
Strip malls exist... whence, it's totally cool to mow down rain forests

Millions of unique and vital species exist there.... but, we got plenty o' chickens, so, again, all cool

How am I doin' with this debate thing? 

Posted in:
trump has committed no serious crimes
Do u know which law specifically trump violated per Flynn?
Posted in:
trump has committed no serious crimes
Lawyers r always fighting over words like willful so I doubt u have case specific knowledge... But it don't seem like the law would or should be trying to punish someone sincerely contesting the election
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
How u feel about reefs is irrelevant... It makes no sense that they'd just die in the industrial era after millions of years of thriving. The fact they need gene therapy due to the heat highlights the fact
Posted in:
trump has committed no serious crimes
The law u cited says trump had to acted willfully. That's a term of art and I could be wrong but I would assume it's like the word intentionally, which is famous for how hard it us to divine what's in someone's head. I don't know how familiar u r wit the jargon but this is a mens rea

Trump should never have been president given his mental problems. But that don't mean he's guilty of this men rea
Posted in:
trump has committed no serious crimes
If what u said of Flynn is factual and it was indeed illegal to appoint him u would have a serious crime. Not sure those assumptions r accurate tho
Posted in:
trump has committed no serious crimes
I think its very reasonable to speculate that trump sincerely thinks he won the election. His thought might be due to mental disorder but its a realistic scenario. U assume trumps thoughts r rational... That seems like less of a reasonable view than my position
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
So ur position is that after millions of years of thriving we can't speculate why the reefs chose the industrial age to die cause it could just be a big coincidence? And we should ignore that all of science is predicting this based on man made climate change. Sure, completely reasonable. 
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
A more refined position u could take would be to say humans r causing climate change but we can live with the results... But no u would rather eat the propaganda and drink the kool aid
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
They're going extinct now. This is different than the normal cycle of life and death they've been doing for millions of years. Why did they pick the industrial age to decide to die? Big coincidence?
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
What r ur thoughts on why coral reefs r dying during the industrial age after millions of years of thriving?
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
We also r putting more co2 than we've had for millions of years, there's twice as much as we've had for u hundreds of thousands. And we know it has a greenhouse effect, so do the math

Underdog is getting spanked in this debate...
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
How do u explain coral reefs dying?
Posted in:
Why I don't believe in climate change (as someone who isn't a republican or conservative)
Corals reefs didn't just decide to start dying during the industrial age after millions of years of thriving... That humans r causing climate change is irrefutable

Also there's a difference in pointing out the climate hypocrites and establishing climate change as a hoax
Posted in:
trump has committed no serious crimes
We don't know trumps state of mind... He might have actually thought his election numbers were accurate
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on question for religious people
It could be about plausible deniability.  God will miraculously heal someone but leaves room for doubt.  Faith is asked for by God and a person only has faith if there's room for doubt.
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All hail president max
All hail airmax, our Lord and Savior
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DebateArt.com 2022 Election Voting
i vote airmax
Posted in:
Genuine Discussions
Do u have much evidence of miracles that have happened in recent years in Islam?
Do u have much evidence of near death experiences that involve Islamic content?
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Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
In John 3:13 Jesus says to Nicodemus, “No one has ever ascended into heaven except the one who came from heaven–the Son of Man.” 
Obviously, Enoch and Elijah had been taken there (Genesis 5:24Hebrews 11:52 Kings 2:11). 

some people say those two were taken there by a whirl wind, not their own might. thus they claim they didn't actually 'ascend'. i think this is just playing games of the intended meaning. 

this is coming from me, someone who is a christian but considers the bible as probably containing contradictions and false info. it's possible to interpret this verse and others as not contradictions, though, i just dont view them as the best arguments to say that. i acknowledge i dont think there are smoking gun contradictions that cannot be gotten around with fancy foot work. 

i also consider the noah story, if taken literally, to be a damned heresy. there's too much scientific evidence that it didn't happen, and if God were going to perform miracles that made it happen, there would be evidence for it. i think miracles should be backed up by evidence if they are truly miracles. i absolutely believe in miracles and the supernatural. 
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I contacted a moderator
i dont know all the details, but im reminded of a funny common situation. 

1: dont talk to me
2: but i want to talk to you
1: i said dont talk to me
2: but i want to talk to you
1. i insist you dont talk to me
2: have you considered not talking to me?
1: i'm gonna report you for this bad behavior
2: that we're talking? 
1: that you won't quit talkin to me
2: but i can't talk to myself if you dont engage with me any more 
1 I said stop talking

and on and on

Posted in:
Inflation Hits a 39 Year High
i would say cutting taxes as much as he did wasn't a neutral act. if inflation got subdued during that time, it was despite his recklessness in borrowing and spending. you are correct that at least he didn't like run away government. you're showing some keen insight in a lot of your posts in this thread. 