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Petroleum Blues

The blood in my veins,
Leaves a nasty stain,
When i blow my nose,
The company knows,
Im a macho man.

I breath carbon soot,
I eat uranium dust,
When i fart,
Atoms split apart,
I'm a macho man.

I drank lots of gas in my gas station days,
Petroleum makes a kind of beautiful haze,
Some people want, to leave it in the ground,
Don't they know, it makes the world go round,
I'm a macho man.

Its God great gift to the human race,
Its a spiritual thing this petroleum case,
Its capital explosion for you and me,
It will trickle on out to all six billion and three,
I'm a mahco man.

SUV’s dont bother me,
Gas we get from a petro tree,
It flows and flows no end in sight,
I'm a macho man.

The industrial age has brought us real far,
The industrial age has brought us the car,
It seems mass transit is good for some,
Messing with my auto is a messing with my gun,
I'm a macho man.

Peace, love and happiness,
Fills my brain when i step on the gas,
You may smell a petroleum fume,
My atomic engine is a coming real soon,
I'm a macho man

Artistic expressions
24 10
Nature = natural = God/Universe/Cosmos

What is not natural?  Black holes?  There is seemingly evidence they exist near center of every galaxy we observe.

Is access to more complex metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts ex mathematics not natural?  Of most creatures on Earth only 6 billion or so humans have this access.

Is in not natural to invent or discover the wheel? The match { phosphperous } or flint to start a fire?  Is it not natural to sail/tack  into the wind?

After all ancient Asian or Indonesian religous taught to go with the flow, not against the flow.

Are humans not natural? 

Are viruses that have only DNA or RNA not natural?  All other celluar organisms have  both DNA and RNA.

Science and Nature
25 6
.."Holography encodes the entanglement entropy in thegeometry of the spacetime of the gravity theory. This is a remarkableperspective, the implications of which we are still trying tounderstand."..
Is free will an illusion? A 2D film tube that goes/flows around---as a dynamic  torus-- to meet itself? To become self-aware? To be conscious of self?

To invert from gravity ( ) and dark energy )( geodesic peaks, to create the peak crests andtroughs of a sine-wave patterned /\/\/  frequency of reality?
.....1....peak of outer surface of positive shaped gravitygeodesic ( ) 5........7...................11
0.............peak crests of sine-wave patternedreality................................6...............................12.....
...........3..peak troughs of sine-wave patternedreality............................................9..............
........2......4..peak of outer surface of negative shapeddark energy )(...............8.......10.....

( )( ) = vertical bisection of a torus

(( )) = horizontal bisection of a torus

* * = bilateral consciousness

i = metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts

>< = inversions from peak of positive shaped gravity ( ) and negative shaped dark energy )( peak of curvature to create a sine-wave pattern /\/\/

SPACE (>*<) i (>*<) SPACE

Free will is the existence illusion, that, is 2nd only to the illusion of a 3D, occupied space existence, over time ergo time as motion and frequency.

We have no rational logical common sense explanations other than to have what we sense via our via nervous system.

Jacob Bekenstiens black hole mathmatics --Bekesntiens bound-- led him to make the following comments, as reported in Scientic American. .."we appear to be 2D creatures having and illusion of 3D.....

This viewpoint is share by Leonard Susskind via his string theory ideas and conformal theory ideas.

3D something does not come from 0D nothing, rather, seemingly 0D nothing is 2D something.

I think about something{ occupied space } via a something{ brain } ergo I exist.

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