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Okay, I'm new.  I'm not just new to this forum, but to this entire website.  In fact, I haven't been on an online forum for over 10 years.  So bear with me. 

I'm not trying to be rude or combative; I just really want to know.  I've heard the abortion argument.  But that is more of a republican argument.  I'm not asking why religious evangelicals support republicans.  I want to know why religiously-moral people support Trump specifically.  He has led a very immoral life.  There are the numerous sex scandals, the Trump charity that was shut down because of fraud (and the money he had to repay to a real charity of the court's choosing), the Trump university fiasco, his tax evasion, his Obama birther-ism hoax, etc., just to name a VERY FEW.   He also nicknames people based on the characteristics they most wish they could change about themselves, such as their weight the shape of their face (horse-face), their age, whether or not they stutter or are mentally disabled, etc . . . 

I know I will probably be slammed for this post and this topic.  But be gentle.  I am VERY NEW.  I honestly just don't get why religiously-moral people like Trump.

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