Total debates: 17
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So my rapper friend has a new album out titled "4 Da Ladeez" (For The Ladies) and it is some of the worst music I, and hopefully you, have ever heard. album:
The age old debate amongst fans of the American rock band, Weezer. Their first two albums are wildly considered their best, but which one reigns supreme?
Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit fame is the best rapper to ever live.
Should prostitution be legal? To be taken by those who consider themselves and vote right wing (conservative or republican) If you take this debate it will be assumed that you agree with most of the political views of the right.
stroking your dick in an effort to ejaculate is an act of homosexuality
I believe Transgenerism is wrong what about you? Pro = Transgenderism is right Con = Transgenderism is Wrong
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My first debate here, hope someone will be interested
The genre of hip-hop is easily one of the most innovative and interesting genres in music, and it also happens to be largely inhabited by the African-American community. However, they are not the masters of their own genre. White people are.
read the title. you know what this is about
red people run hollywood