Total topics: 3
She was never raped, so she has no opinion on whether rape victims and surivors, give birth. I was raped when I was 22, so I have something to say about that. FUCK YOU, ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't feel I have to supress anti-Christian speech to be a good Christian. I do ask that I be able to offer my own speech, but as long as free speech remains a two way street, I support your right to say that. Christians: How can we criticize Islam, when we attack people who don't believe as we do. I have been guilty of this, and have room for improvement, but let's be honest: Some Christians are just as angry as we say the Muslims are, or whoever else. Jesus had harsh words for Peter when Peter cut off the Roman slave's ear. If I have ever attacked anyone allegedly in Jesus' Name, I'm truely sorry. My place as a Christian, is to be as much like Jesus as possible. While I don't like anti-Christian speech, I don't feel I have to like someone's speech, to support their right to say that. I hope all is well with y'all, and speak freely, for I stand behind you, desiring my own free speech. Peace and blessings!
What do you think about the possibility of war with Iran? I am freaking right the fuck out.