Total questions: 6
wt career are u pursuing?
Probably an Air Force Engineer or pilot. But a lawyer'd be cool too.
Did you have a DDO account? You never really told me about it.
Who do you think is the best and worst POTUS?
Wahington and Trump. Different polarities, different ends.
Could you send me the CoC link?
Why is your political ideology Progressivism?
Stop messing around.
What do we design FastFood as? I ant to avoid semantics like a box of cookies, Lets actually make a fictitious restaurant, McDowells (from the movie coming to America). Use it as an example?
"What do we design FastFood as?" An easily prepared processed food served in snack bars and restaurants as a quick meal or to be taken away. "I ant to avoid semantics like a box of cookies" Yes, I do not disagree. "Lets actually make a fictitious restaurant, McDowells (from the movie coming to America). Use it as an example?" I didn't actually watch the movie, but if this McDowells fits the category of "Fast Food", then I don't see a reason not. The debate resolution, however, is about banning Fast Food ads, not the actual restaurants themselves. We shall allow them to continue operations, except for the fact that advertising shall be made illegal.