Sir.Lancelot's avatar


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Total comments: 1,036

"Just so everyone understands, I never agreed to any truce with Lancelot but ironically Lancelot proceeded to post this:"

Umm, yes you did. Here is proof.

Keep lying.


It's all you're good for anyway.


Spoken like a true white supremacist cuck.


It's not a trap debate, you fucking retard.
You're just shit at debating like you are at everything else, and this is an example of one of your many shortcomings.


Perhaps, I misworded it.

I was going to ignore you if you insisted on dragging on this "war."
You agreed to the truce which doesn't require me to ignore you, only to be civil.


If the vote-bombing is what causes you to leave the site, then that 'win' is technically someone else's.
As I have said countless times, I did not arrange it and I am not the one pulling strings.


"Lancelot can only end up hurt if he hurts me from now on, so there is no point not accepting."

If I wanted to, I would destroy your mental health all over again so you left the site for a second time with no consequence to myself.
And still remain unfazed and remorseless.

The truce is a courtesy, not a necessity.
I'm not refusing to attack you for you or myself.
It's because there is no point.

You agreed to the terms of the truce, but you keep breaking it.
It is possible for us to dislike each other and still be civil, but if you want to escalate and get personal, we can do that too.
We can call off the truce anytime you like.


These are some pretty harsh comments to make to somebody you consider your friend.


This truce is my first step towards the light.

I appreciate you hearing me out and accepting the alliance, my friend.


It's not my fault, so I don't feel bad for you and I don't feel guilty.

But if I agree to give you free Elo, does this mean you will hold up your end of the bargain and agree to a truce?


So just to be clear, you will accept my truce, assuming I do all of that.


Barney made a valid point. This shit has gone too far.

What Boba_Tea said is only partially true. Rational has targeted me to grudge-vote and vote-bomb me, but he isn't the reason I got banned. My own actions from personal attacks to name-calling are why it happened.
I'm unsure if the perpetrator(s) are creating all this chaos on my behalf, but I'd like to say I don't need anyone speaking for me or fighting my battles.

The terms proposed by Barney about me and RM not voting on each other's debates are reasonable, but I think the exception should include unless one of us gives permission. RM is a competent voter, when he tries to be. Permission can be given in three ways.:

1. Me or RM directly ask for a vote in the comments section, thus giving permission.

2. We agree openly that it's okay for one of us to vote on the debate, or he or I are chosen to be a judge on the other's debate.

3. Permission is given in DM's.

Violation of this agreement should result in the temporary suspension or termination of mine or RM's voting privileges rather than a ban. Rational may protest to these terms, but no matter how unpleasant they may seem, he has to agree because the alternatives are worse.


Hey guys!
Are you guys interested in voting?

3 rounder and a pretty quick read. I forfeited the last round because I was banned, so hopefully that makes it a little less lengthy.


Thanks, but this isn't really how I wanted to win.


Oh for fuck's sake.

This shit couldn't have happened at a worse time.


I get that you enjoy chewing our sweaty socks like it's tobacco, but fix your RFD or the mods won't let you quit.
If your votes were on par with your boot-licking, there would be no issues.



This is not a comedy debate, this is a "diet" debate. You quite deliberately ignored the rules and voted, according to your own personal opinion and in doing so, violated the rules of this debate. Voting in such a way is unacceptable and I honestly expect better from you. That is not okay.
I have a little bit more voting experience than you, so if you need help constructing an RFD, you're welcome to ask me for help. But voting like you just did now was very disrespectful and a very good example of a low-quality vote.

You seriously need to read the description. I will speak to whiteflame and Barney on your behalf and ask them to give you a second chance to write a better RFD.


RM's vote is actually a direct violation of the CoC because it is inadequate and undermines the standards you set for the judging criteria in the description.
By your own description, it was very clearly not defined as a troll debate, so this is actually an actionable offense.
You may not care enough to report it, but it does demand urgent action if you were to DM any of the mods.

RM voted in very Bad Faith there.


The Finals are approaching.

Would you like to do a Bonus Debate?
If you win, you get the minimum amount of points qualified to participate in last stage of The Tournament.

If you agree, type the subjects you prefer. You will have complete control over everything else.: The Side You Take, Definitions, & The Rules.


That's a great vote.

Thanks for taking the time to read through it.


I really enjoyed debating this topic the first time.

Really creative, so it encouraged me to try it out a second time.

You got a knack for this kinda thing.

Thanks for the discussion.


I mean I'd do it.

But I don't think it would be any good.
Subconsciously, I'd be apprehensive about dissing myself so it would be an auto-win for RM anyhow.


Thanks for the votes, guys!

I was getting nervous because the days' count was ticking zero.


Already been down that level, Rational. You're not the first person I've beefed with on and off.

And trust me, the shit I said to you isn't even 1/3rds as bad as it is on a regular Tuesday for me.

You're typing like lacking the capacity for aggression is the same as showing restraint and they're not the same.

I deliberately made that rap battle No Hold's Barred so you could fight with the handcuffs off like you claimed you wanted to.:

In the end, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.


1. I never told you to kill yourself.

2. I only have one discord server that has to do with DART and it died out weeks ago.

I can screenshot all the dms/messages and send them to you if you'd like. One conclusion can be drawn.: Outside of this site, you are invisible to me because I've never brought up your name first. The amount of times I've ever even typed your name is minimal, compared to the times you've spoken about me on discord.

Devon would agree with this. I also have zero intention of escalating a site-dispute to discord.
I'd be happy to add you to the server and give you permission to see audit logs.
Nobody will gang up or dogpile you, I promise.
Or you may unblock me and I can show you the messages myself.
Devon did suggest that we settle our problems over discord, but I didn't personally care enough to believe it was even worth it.

Also, I have quite a few examples where I fought with BrotherD.Thomas. In-fact, the first time I ever encountered him was me defending someone else from his abuse. But BrotherD. and Wylted's attacks seem to be more of a character thing whereas I can't help but assume personal intent on your part, every-time you attack somebody.

Also, all those names I called you. You sincerely act like you haven't called people worse. Not to mention, you were the one who challenged me to a rap battle which was declared nothing was off-limits, so if anything, you encouraged me to make those attacks.

But let's be clear, I don't allege complete innocence either. However, I have given you plenty of opportunities to declare our rivalry over. And every-time, you go silent and escalate in some other way. Quite recently, I demanded you make up your mind about what it is you want.: A truce or to perpetuate some pointless site bullshit.

And just like you will ignore me now, you went silent then too.:


I didn't vote against you because I thought you were a pathetic loser, RM.

I voted against you because your attacks on me and other users was becoming very clear to me.

If you're referring to the person I think you're speaking of. He also told me that he regretted voting for you in the Election.

Everyone I've ever attacked had it coming one way or another. You are nobody special.

Here's one of your many attacks for instance.:


It's a shame that Slainte left the site honestly.

RM kept harassing and bullying him, so he no longer wanted to stay.


Slainte has been a committed rap fan for over 20 years.

He has been a part of Hip Hop circles when he still lived in America and he even met his idol Tupac once.


Well when you get better at rap.
Perhaps, you'll meet a few rap fans.


I'd be too embarrassed to type if I had your experience and nearly lost to someone like me.


I honestly think it's a shame that Pro forfeited because there are great arguments to be made from both sides.


No wait.
Let him sit in his delusion.

It's funnier that way.


Perhaps, it is strange to someone with a double-digit IQ.


Thank you.


If you're leaving the site, would you be willing to join my discord server that has Devon and Savant?


If you do decide to vote again, you're better off leaving more detail instead of simply just giving an explanation that consists of a few words.


With the exception of the topic, you can pick the side, the definitions, and the rules.
Those will be entirely up to you.

I'd suggest thinking of rules that you wish for the voters to judge by and include those in the description, so the resolution ends up being what is judged.


It is possible you may lose this if Mps doesn't vote which is okay because it's still possible to to get the amount of points necessary to make it into The Tournament.

Option 1 includes reviewing the topics of the tournament and deciding on your next one.:

For Option 2, you can opt for a bonus debate. Bonus debates are automatically 20 points if you win, but I would choose the topic for you.
If you decide on a bonus debate, let me know.
And if you decide you want to negotiate certain topics, let me know.

For bonus debates, I am only going for topics that you're an expert in. The person you're paired up with will be a random contender.


Sup bro.

How are you doing today?


Oh no.

Why do I get the feeling that this report was not made by Best.Korea?


Where in the debate did I shift the resolution to be about Herbivore vs Omnivore?



This is you being petty over nothing.

Slainte wouldn't vote for me just because he's biased towards my side.


Thx homie!


Don't worry, I'll leave.
