Total posts: 55
"Everything I'm doing is contrived. I need to infiltrate this community"
“I need to infiltrate this community to observe the culture of the site. I did engage them, and it was for a sincere purpose”
“I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people”
"I've manipulated everyone on the site to become my friends since day one"
"Im the most sociopathic member on the site"
"My friendships on the site are not sincere"
"I'm constantly lying"
“I also manipulated everyone to believe I’m a different member”
“nah... that would just lend it credibility... I'd instead make your assertions and any evidence you have seem conspiratorial and ridiculous, manipulate popular support against you and anyone who agrees with you, all while saying publically that I appreciate your attempts at keeping me in check and seeking truth.”
"I perpetrated [9/11]"
"I got crinack"
“I am an evil fascist nutjob that has no qualms about banning everyone if they even look at me the wrong way”
“The third world isn’t gonna exploit itself”
“I don’t care about Iceland”
"[All these quotes] were said in the context they imply"
"I'm gonna rule [with] an iron, blood-stained fist"
"None of my decisions are founded on moral grounds"
~airmax1227, paraphrased
"I'm an awful moderator"
"I don't have an open mind"
"You don't wanna have me on your bad side"
~airmax1227, in a threatening tone
"Age doesn't matter, Liz."
“I am… less than nice”
“I will admit to being the second gunmen on the grassy knoll, the one armed man, and the head of the Illuminati and the NWO. But my actions and conduct on DDO are generally impossible to criticize.”
“I shot a guy”
“[Deleting spam] is my biggest mistake as moderator”
“Don’t quote me. Ever.”
"I don't like some people, so I just take away their voting privileges or ban them"
“I will come after you”
~airmax1227 to SeventhProfessor
Posted in:
I HIGHLY recommend Diplomacy as a replacement for Risk! Miles better!!!
Posted in:
Pinning this as an example “PC Culture” is wildly reductionist
Always worth revisiting!
Always worth revisiting!
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This isn't the first time I've been the maverick, my friend.
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While not everyone involved has bad intentions — I think ESocial is sincere and the most sympathetic of the Anti-BSH crowd — I have serious reservations about the recent wave of vigilantism. I cannot help but see this as happening only because of preexisting sentiments; this situation reeks of individuals using horrifically disproportionate tactics to exploit an opportunity.
To be clear, what BSH did was wildly inappropriate and I have no qualms saying that he was right to resign and remove himself from the community. He should not return, nor should he be defended for his actions, but nor too should his actions be attacked in the wrong way. This stance is a principled one — one that makes no exceptions for others who I feel are also toxic and detrimental to the site and its members — which is why the distinct lack of principled stances is so troubling.
A witch hunt that, incidentally, throws a witch in the river should not be celebrated. This is no victory, nothing to be proud of, nothing to revel about, no justice, precisely because justice was never the aim. Rather, the aim was to settle petty political and personal grievances by propagandising and weaponising genuine concerns, twisting them until they broke clean off from any truthful moral grounding so as to fashion them into swords.
Jacques Lacan claimed that, even if a jealous husband's claim about his wife – that she sleeps around with other men – is true, his jealousy is still pathological. Why? The true question is “not is his jealousy well-grounded?”, but “why does he need jealousy to maintain his self-identity?”
All around, this is a community at its most toxic, and I am most disgusted by the veneer of righteousness affected by some. I hope everyone involved examines the reason they played the role they did.
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I’m interested in a reunion sometime soon [the next few weeks], giving it’s summertime; if you’re interested, please reach out to anyone you know who may be interested, and let me know if you have any timing preferences.
Having direct lines is vital. ANYONE READING THIS: PLEASE provide me an email address or some alternate form of communication (off-site) " it would allow me to organise hangouts and such.
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Posted in:
We’re going to hopefully have a slew of old members, some of whom I haven’t spoken to in years. I think it’ll be a packed house.
10:00PM EST is the official start time, but I’m going to post a link a bit before to get people situated.
Your presence would be appreciated, RM! Unblock me!
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I’m LITERALLY the Official Debate.Org Historian, Ragnar. We don’t need two archivists.
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Lol I’m literally the official DDO Historian and you think THAT’s as good an impersonation as I could muster?
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I know more about Max than Shelli does. Unironically.
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You’re legitimately terrible at impersonation dude.
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DDO was NOT brought into its Golden Age by Juggle. It happened in spite of them. 90% of companies could have done better.
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Tell Max I miss him & he needs to do hangouts :(
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"Trouble for the mods" is not something worth considering unless the change would end moderation. BSH signed up for this, Virtuoso signed up for this, Mike signed up for this. Unless they're going to quit if reporting becomes anonymous -- and unless they're irreplaceable -- who cares.
Posted in:
Sorry, I’ve fixed it!
Vote Count:
A: 4 (Thett3, Virtuoso, Wylted, Castin)
B: 1 (BSH1)
INVALID: 2 (RationalMadman, Ramshutu)
Posted in:
I’m voting in line with FaustinianJustice because I trust his judgement
Posted in:
Vote Count:
A: 4 (Thett3, Virtuoso, Wylted, Castin)
B: 1 (BSH1)
INVALID: 1 (RationalMadman, Ramshutu)
A: 4 (Thett3, Virtuoso, Wylted, Castin)
B: 1 (BSH1)
INVALID: 1 (RationalMadman, Ramshutu)
Posted in:
Please cast your vote. Every voice matters!
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All you’ve gotta do is say the word :)
Vote Count:
A: 1 (Thett3)
B: 1 (BSH1)
Posted in:
BSH1 takes great joy in tampering with exercises of democracy, so, as a gift for him, I encourage all to run as many elections, referendums, polls, &c, so he can ignore the results.
This is a formal vote. You may vote for A or B. Please bold your votes.
The voting ends at an ambiguous time in the future (to be decided at BSH1’s whim).
Vote Count:
A: 0 (Null)
B: 0 (Null)
It’s a VERY real blog.
Holy MACKERAL I am so glad I checked this site
I’m genuinely elated
The Madman did it
#UnbanTheMadman WORKED
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Mestari has asked me to post this
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oh be I no colin leslie dean nor wouldst have thee think that I he be I be but an attendant to such as he that use the rhythms and rhymes ast some easy tool to woo those shes such line full of sense and some obtuseness at times sublime and at times humorous but ahh at no time the fool oh oh though grow old I with the buttons of the fly of I undone with piss weey smell with no hair to part but I will still dare to eat some cunt peach-like whenst offered I for have I heard the cries of women like mermaids in orgasmic delight sighing each to each and each
to me for they sing to I of delight oh hast seen I those women riding head thrown back with cries like mermaids riding the waves of the sea their hair o’er the waves blown back ast the wind and their cries blow the waters into froth and foam white as the spoof I do blow oh oh those women doeth see I wreathed in semen dew about their tits and white bright necks oh the women and I linger in the afterglow languor of lust that no human voce canst stir us fromst the bliss we be drown in
Posted in:
I HIGHLY recommend listening to this podcast about DDO Moderation:
You all are traitors and should be ashamed of yourselves.