Yeah, I think it's interesting that you bring that up because the Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding who was a school teacher that believed that humans were innately evil. However there was an actual real life "Lord of the Flies" accident where 6 boys were shipwrecked for 15 months off of the coast of Tonga in 1977. In fact the exact opposite of what happened in the book happened in real life. The 6 boys actually worked together to survive and had a systematic way of dealing with things. For example each boy would have a designated task to do by the end of the day like collect water or chop down trees to make a fire. It was only because of their cooperation and kindness to one another that they were able to stay alive for 15 months stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere.
No worries at all! Hope you feel better.
Yeah, I think it's interesting that you bring that up because the Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding who was a school teacher that believed that humans were innately evil. However there was an actual real life "Lord of the Flies" accident where 6 boys were shipwrecked for 15 months off of the coast of Tonga in 1977. In fact the exact opposite of what happened in the book happened in real life. The 6 boys actually worked together to survive and had a systematic way of dealing with things. For example each boy would have a designated task to do by the end of the day like collect water or chop down trees to make a fire. It was only because of their cooperation and kindness to one another that they were able to stay alive for 15 months stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere.