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Total topics: 9

Trump said he wants abortion up to the states.

The only reason a state would want to ban abortion is if they see it as murder.

But if you think abortion is murder, then you'd want it banned everywhere.

His argument is different entities have their own views on abortion so local entities should make the call.  However, the most local government out there is the individual person, so from that perspective, if you're being consistent, then individuals would get to decide if abortion is legal for their own bodies (until the moment of birth, if we're really going to let local entities decide their own policies just like the policy in Alaska). Jennifer might be willing to abort at 29 weeks; Sabrina might be willing to abort until 20 weeks; Emily and Fiona might be a bit more conservative since they go to church; they might ban themselves from allowing abortion to be done to their territory.

The most logical interpretation of Trump's, "leave it up to the states because it's more decentralized" is to decentralize it up to each individual person (and if this means some people will abort late term for whatever reason they want, then so be it).
1 1
Feel free to share this with everyone you know chain reaction style.

The average Trump voter in a small town has to drive 20 miles to the polls; 40 miles round trip.  Assuming 20 mpg, this is 2 gallons ($4/gallon), means voting for Trump costs $6 for them.

If Trump will easily win the election (or the elites will rig it so Harris easily wins), then there is no point in wasting $8 for an election already settled with the price of gas in this economy.
7 5

I've heard people disapproving of him though.  I've never heard this sentiment about anyone on DART so quickly.

But yeah, do you like or dislike underdog?  This doesn't effect me personally.
14 6
In America, talking politics at work is considered taboo.  In Canada, it isn't; it's a literal pastime in Canada (it's like talking about baseball in the US).

Canadians on average therefore, talk more about politics than Americans do.

This is why Canada is so much more left wing than America.  Free speech turns people closer to Canada's leftism over America's conservatism.

If right wingers like free speech so much, then alright; but keep in mind free speech shifts people to the left on average (at least on the Canada, America spectrum).
14 6
The right has been telling me that anyone who votes against Trump and prefers Harris to Trump is a Marxist.

Alright; I don't care about the label; I'm a Marxist as well as about half the country (actually there would be more Marxists than non Marxists in the US).

There are a lot of Marxists in the US, I'm one of them, and there's strength in numbers if you equate democrat with Marxist.

I'm a Marxist because I would rather see starving kids get food in their stomachs than give tax cuts to globalists like George Soros.

Anybody that disagrees with this statement values George Soros'es tax cuts more than the life of a starving child.
35 6
Common counter arguments to this idea:

Adopt them if you care about them
No.  I don't want to adopt anyone citizen or undocumented.  This is totally different than a citizen or undocumented moving into a home 5 blocks away with a consenting landlord and them paying rent.

They might murder or r@pe
So execute them if they do that, but most are fine.  Same standard for the native born.

They're on welfare
So are the trailer parks; at least the migrants want the welfare; trailer parks call their welfare socialist as an insult.  I'd easily rather give welfare money to immigrants who don't insult the help over trailer parks that do by calling it socialist.  I'd rather give money to the grateful.

They get to vote
If that's the case, then who cares?  The immigration test 1/3 of Americans can't pass and they can vote.  Either let anyone vote regardless of documentation status or require passing the citizenship test to vote regardless of if you're born here or not.

They would help the democrat party win all future elections
Who objectively cares if the GOP dies?  It's not your kid dying; it's an organization being dissolved (and this has happened all throughout history).  The Whigs died out; the federalists died out, they were just replaced with new parties.  It's just the GOP's turn to die.  Don't worry, some other party will take their place.  At this point, Trump is the GOP, if Harris dies, the democrats find someone else.  If Waltz dies, then the democrats find someone else.  If Trump dies, then the GOP MAGA base are lost sheep; Trump is their party; if the assassination attempt on him succeeded, then who would be the GOP party head?  JD Vance?  He's not a popular guy (when he wants to ban porn and undisputedly supports project 2025).  Sometimes parties die.  There's historical precedent for it.

They are both too lazy to work and they are taking all the jobs
Make up your mind.  The fact that you say this implies you just bandwagon whatever you hear from MAGA media.  It's not being racist; but it's being a bandwagoner that can't think for themselves.

They are both increasing the price of housing and they are decreasing the price of housing
Make up your mind.  The fact that you say this implies you just bandwagon whatever you hear from MAGA media.  It's not being racist; but it's being a bandwagoner that can't think for themselves.

If America has open borders, then we are no longer a nation
Cap; you can easily be an open borders nation.

38 7
I prefer mainstream media to MAGA media.  Mainstream media seems more reliable.
13 4
Harrica (Harris America) should be separated from Trumplica (Trump America).

This nation is too ideologically divided; Trumplica should be able to have Trump become their King in an absolute monarchy if they so choose; Harrica should be allowed to break away and join Canada.  This should be done peacefully, and I believe this regardless of who wins in 2024; large numbers of people will riot if things don't go their way regardless of who wins.

The US should just split up and Harrica should get annexed by Canada.  That I think is the most pragmatic way for both sides to get what they want.
6 4
To all the Trump supporters on this site, what is required to occur in order for you to denounce your support for Trump?

If any of the following occur, then will your support for Trump cease:

  1. Trump performs a rally with a Klan uniform on
  2. Trump being convicted of r@pe
  3. Trump coming out against the first amendment
  4. Trump calling to terminate the US constitution

If the answer to all of these scenario is no, then it's safe to assume that you will vote for Trump no matter what.

As a result, if we're being honest, then counterspeech to address what you're saying is pointless.  You won't change your mind no matter what.  Like, I would argue if Trump never called Mexicans r@pists, never said Hatians were eating pets, never did Jan 6, and any incorrect or horrible claim he makes, he merely apologizes for, then I definitely would be more willing to vote for him.

But I don't vote for crazy.
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