Total debates: 7
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.......... - agreeable to or in accord with reason; logical.
A Christian with access to all human knowledge - should he believe in YEC.
This debate is a result of a difference of opinion. My claim is that there is a dehumanization taking place with the unborn that is comparable to the dehumanization that took place with the Nazis regarding the Jews. Whiteflame's position is "I still very much disagree that this is a valid comparison."
Rechallenge on three contentions of Round 1 on "Abortion Should Be Illegal."
Pro contends that abortion is taking the life of a human being and therefore should be considered murder/a wrong, not a woman's right to choose. Con contents that abortion should be the woman's right to choose and that it is not wrong for the woman to abort that life, whether the woman chooses to do so before or after the "age of viability" of the unborn. Termination of pregnancy because of a threat to the life of the mother will be the exception to the rule (i.e., tubal pregnancy).