OntologicalSpider's avatar


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Total topics: 5

As just a small thought experiment, I'd thought I'd let any non Christian in this forum give their personal biggest objection to Christianity, and I will try to go about answering it. There are a few rules however.

1. Two objective per person. No more. You can do one as well, but two is the limit. If this thread doesn't become all that popular I may revisit some original posters and have them give more.

2. Be specific. Overly vague objections like "religion is false" or "God doesn't exist" aren't really going to be helpful. Try to articulate any objections in a meaningful way.

Any Christians in the thread feel free to give your own answer.

I will try my best to offer a reasonable response to the objections raised. That doesn't mean I will have an answer right away

Hopefully we have fun and all learn something. Let's have at it.

6 6
I thought I'd discuss the Kalam a bit.. As this seems to be one of the most discussed arguments for the existence of God.

1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause

2. The universe began to exist.

3. Therefore the universe has a (transcendent) cause.

Why do you agree or disagree with this argument?

42 15
What are your thoughts on the Chinese room conundrum? Do you believe it disproves the possibility of artificial intelligence being possible?
Science and Nature
41 12
Here's a little thought experiment I've been playing with:

1. The universe at a quantum level shows properties of "emerging", that is, at fundamental level, matter behaves like information in a computer code.

2. It is quite possible the universe is a computer simulation on an unimaginable scale

3. If the universe is a computer simulation, it would require a computer simulator.

4. A being that encoded the universe into existence would be able to exercise complete control over this simulation

5. Such a being could be considered omnipotent.

6. A being outside the simulation would not be subject to it's nature, and possess another nature entirely. A being of this nature could be considered ultimate reality

7. An omnipotent ultimate reality is God.

Therefore God exists.

Any thoughts? What do you agree with? What do you disagree? Thank

Science and Nature
42 10
What is your favorite argument for the existence of God? Why is it your favorite argument? What are some objections to this argument and how do you deal with them?
436 40