Nyxified's avatar


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Total questions: 4

Do you have any artistic hobbies or activities, if so what about it appeals to you, how did you get into said art?

Honestly, the answer to this question is a LITTLE cringy, but I've been a writer for somewhere around 8 years now (I just say a decade because it sounds cooler). My early writing experience came from being an Undertale fangirl and finding Undertale RPs on Roblox. I was around 8 or 9 at the time and it was some of the most fun I had as a kid. I would not be the person I am today or know the people I know today if it were not for my decision to pretend I was Sans, Undertale for 4 hours a day, lmao.

Writing appeals to me because of the power of language. Art is amazing because it looks good (I could never get into it because of the barrier to entry in terms of making 'good' art), but art can't tell you anything other than what you interpret it to. Writing can convince someone of something, save a life, tell a story with a clear meaning, communicate information, etc...

I always wanted to try photography in some fashion, but the equipment is too expensive and the hours left in my schedule are too few. If you could consider video editing to be an artistic hobby, then I have been dabbling in that lately (both hopefully as a career and for the sake of my own content creation endeavours).

You said you are a Wiccan. Does that mean you use magic spells? If so, then you could go to Canadian food banks and use your magic to create food for people.

Wiccan spells focus on controlling energy. Alas, I am not capable of nuclear fusion and cannot turn energy into matter. It is my belief, however, that I could influence other people to donate more food.

In schools required reading, have there been any books or stories, that stand out in your memory, if so, why?

Unfortunately, I didn't read very many books in school (maybe like 5 in total across K-11), but I think Freak the Mighty stands out the most to me. It was probably the first required reading I ever had to do, I believe, and it's a story about a developmentally disabled but strong kid befriending a physically disabled but incredibly smart kid.

I don't want to spoil anything about the book here because honestly I do recommend it from what I remember, but while I didn't take it in when reading it, looking back, I take a lot of themes of overcoming the way others view you, succeeding in behest of circumstance, dealing with loss, understanding what it feels like to be disabled, and the way people view you when you're disabled. Whether it's because of ADHD or being trans, it carries a lot of themes that I wish I remembered at points.

Do you think that the workers should control the means of production?

I don't think that. I don't believe that it is necessary or wise for people who make products to control the factories that make those products as an example. What I do believe is that if the owner of the factory does literally nothing but collect money simply by virtue of owning the means of production, he contributes literally nothing to society.