Total debates: 10
Half troll debate, half serious, so don’t read too much into it.
Should we cure autism?
I define the truth to mean that which is in accordance with reality. Reality is the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. My judgment about a claim or proposition is that it is true or false. The only other option is ignorance. There is no evidence for "the truth" being in accordance with reality. There is evidence to suggest that "the truth" is merely a human construct that resides only in our imagination.
I am claiming both that math is an art and that math is not a science
Is math just a human construct, or is it objective? (The topic will be better defined this time.)
I claim that 0.99999... is exactly equal to 1.
Is math just a human construct, or is it objective?
No description has been provided
I claim that 0.99999... is exactly equal to 1.
I believe that finitism, the belief that the concept of infinity is invalid, is entirely false.