Total questions: 34
Have you ever crafted a material object, (Arts and Crafts kind of question) If so, have you any thoughts on said action/object/s?
No I have not. I am not an artist in any way, shape, or form. Now my thoughts on the subject?? Well, I believe art and architecture plays an incredibly important role in our lives, especially architecture. The problem is how art is perceived and philosophically created. For the longest time until the humanist renaissance and eventually the modern world, art served a two-fold purpose. First, it showcased the skill of the artist to perfect his craft but it also showed the work's relation with the community itself. The piece had to be OBJECTIVELLY beautiful irrespective of the painter's ideals. However, over time art shifted to represent the subjective motifs of the artist itself. And that is the biggest reason why modern art is so crappy today.
Are there any YouTube channels you've particularly enjoyed in the past or present, If so why?
Glad you asked. For gaming, I used to watch a lot of Jacksepticeye but that has since subsided. For educating yourself, I love TED-ED, they have short simple videos that are interesting and professor talks for more in-depth. Goal Guys and Cole Harris are good for self-development.
Required reading in school, have there been any books that stand out in your memory, if so, why?
good question, i dont normally enjoy reading but books like tom sawyer, to kill a mockingbird and of mice and men are probably my favorite
Do you believe the United States should be more or less involved in world affairs?
in what way? we dont have to police the world militarily but can obviously use our massive influence with ambassadors and other deals.
On balance, has capitalism been a successful economic doctrine?
Yes it has
How come?
seems cool, plus i would like to viist montreal some day
If you could learn a new language, what would it be?
You are given the TARDIS from Doctor Who. Where in the past/future will you go?
Alright, present some of the most convincing ones.
"She says that androgyny becomes prevalent “as a civilization is starting to unravel. You find it again and again and again in history.”
“People who live in such times feel that they’re very sophisticated, they’re very cosmopolitan,” she says. But in truth, they are evidence of a civilization that no longer believes in itself. On the edges of that civilization are “people who still believe in heroic masculinity” — the barbarians. Paglia says that this is happening right now, and that there’s this tremendous “disconnect” between a culture that’s infatuated with transgenderism, and “what’s going on ‘out there’.” She sees it as “ominous.” And she’s right to. This insanity cannot last. Again and again I say unto you: if you don’t like the Religious Right, wait till you get the Post-Religious Right. The post-Christian people who are coming don’t give a damn about your feelings."
Why are you against LGBT?
several reasons
Why do you think that you, a male, can decide that women cannot abort fetuses?
Why do you think as a non-slave member, can tell a slave owner what to do with their slaves?
This is the logic here. Slavery and abortion are problems!
Would you say you are better at text-based debate or video/verbal debates?
What questions do you have for moi?
why are you soooo kewl
Bruh ketchup chips are delicious
Bruh why not Ketchup?
bruh no
lays chips bruh
Favorite flavor?
of what
What is your favorite brand of chips?
Are you really 109 years old???
What is your favorite soda?
mountain of the dew
Do you like Dr.Pepper
When thy Dr.Pepper enter into thy mouth and enrich thy taste buds,it is adequate
Are you related to Dr.Pepper?
nope.My name comes from They Hunger Trilogy Mod for Half Life, surprised many people didnt know about it, i was playing that the They Hunger mod at the time of joining DDO- and
If you HAD to vote for any democrat, who would it be in the 2020 election?
Probably Gabbard
Honest question, are you a troll?
Absolutely, I love being a troll and screwing around, NO all of my opinions are serious and my radical beliefs
Who is the most under rated debater on this site
How do you get a girlfriend?
What’s your idea of Heaven?
poor,humble people, VERY LITTLE WOMEn
Have you heard of the Egg Theory? What are your thoughts on it?
No o
because you created alts
Who shares your beliefs the best on this site?
DarthVader1 but he left
What is your PFP
Tanklin from Nasa
What's your opinion on Donald Trump as a president?
From a conservative standpoint, he's good, like his tax plan and foreign policy. Don't like his personal attacks though, that's a lack of experience and that shutdown, Whew, what a fail, when will Republicans learn that shutdowns don't work
What did you study in the university?
Im not in uni yet, but hopefully computer science or business
What made you interested in debating?
I've always been interested in engaging good discussions for a while, I guess where it all started was Youtube, with any political video I would debate in the comment section, It became a habit of mine so I looked for a debating website, found DDO, but it was dead and came here, I really enjoy this place