Bugsy460's avatar


A member since


Total topics: 2

We need at least four competitors and one judge and one moderator. For those who have never done, watched, or heard of parli, the basic idea is that 25 minutes before the round, the moderator will give us a topic as well as sides. We then have 25 minutes to prep for it. Affirmatives can either read a kritikal aff rejecting the topic or a policy aff that either uses the resolution as their plan text or gets more specific in some way. Negs can employ theory, disadvantages, CPs, or kritiks to answer it, as well as, answering the case. Speech times are as follows. Lastly, flex time is a combination of in round prep as well as questioning.

Prime Minister Constructive (PMC, First Affirmative):         7 minutes
Two minute Flex time
Leader of Opposition Constructive (LOC, First Negative): 8 minutes
Two minute Flex time
Member of Government (MG, Second Affirmative):             8 minutes
One minute Flex time
Member of Opposition (MO, Second Negative):                      8 minutes
Leader of Opposition Rebuttal (LOR, Final Negative):          4 minutes
One minute Flex time
Prime Minister Rebuttal (PMR, Final Affirmative):                   5 minutes
7 5
1. I'm a bit new to this platform, I used to have an account and I used it for a month about a year ago, but I got super busy with personal issues and dropped it, but I'm back, and saying that, I'm curious how useful kritiks are on this platform. I see a lot of debates say they aren't allowed in the rules, so I was curious how often they are used when not banned and if people are willing to vote on them.

2. As a second question, should kritiks have a space on this platform. I'm a part of live debate circuits and kritiks are everywhere and it brings a lot of questions if they're good or bad for debate as a whole and I wanted to get some opinions on that.

7 5