As your statements are not within it, with the closest being related to the president being able to appoint officials for various offices, I worry about your grasp of the human race and how it differs from things like real estate.
So, you understand a declaration of Independence, a right to place all women in a place of equality between all other women in a condition of their creation using oath and series of type truths?
There are connections to justice which have already been established by both criminal and Constitutional law. The assignment of a women as ambassador to the child who isaging inside only her, the child who is not a citizen of any nation until after serviving birth, is beyond criminal law and the child cannot be charged with the murder of the mother. Article II, Section II, clause II describes an ambassador can be appointed by other ways in law, not just by President, Senate, or Congress, the mother is a diplomat, an ambassador assigned by the laws of nature to the child or children.
Your worry is overthe use of law which connects crime with criminals, not my understanding of how to create and establish a larger state of the Constitutional union with right, and we the people. All people in one state of the union are the indication of the most powerful Constitutional Rights there are whereas criminal law always and forever has two states of the union of varying numbers victum and accused. The issue of jurisdiction of criminal law as a State of the union between the people and area of property, land is organized crime described with punishable consequences in the legislation of criminal law itself. A woman is being held as a Presadera in accordance with American United States Constitution ratified or not.
Your worry is over the use of law which connects crime with criminals not my understandngs of how to create and establish a larger state of the Constitutional union with right, and we the people, all poeple the indication of the most powerful Constitutional Rights there are. The issue that jurisdiction of law as a State of the union between the people and land face is orginized crime becuase it is described with punishable consiquences in the legilsation of criminal law itself upon conviction. Thus the United State wrong of a order to abort, abortion, pregnancy abortion. A women can be held as a "Presadera" in accordance with American United States Constitution ratifide or not. Leaving the clear question something could have been achieved and why was it not?