Philosophically, everything depends upon how one looks at it.
Degrees of consciousness with woman { X x } and man { X y } having the highest degree of the more synergetically complex access, to Meta { beyond }-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego * i * { bilateral self }.
Viewpoint < or > or ^ or v requires an angular set of degree{s}, ergo minimal set of viewpoints is <> and they are relational i.e. having lines-of-relationship { <--> }. The lines can occur dynamically in various was ex geodesically curved ex <( )( )> or as (*)( )(*).
2 = dual and bilateral biologic complexity{?}
3 = minimal structural integrity as diagonals of open or closedtriangle ergo 60 degree-ness
......any carpenter understands this
4 = systemic integrity and agent of Universalinter-change/transformation via its less stable 60 and 90 degree-ness
....asymmetrical 4-fold cubo-octahedron { VE } is closet to God andhas equlibrium of 24 surface chords and 24 radii....
5 = alternate/optional pathway to systemic integrity ---and inclusiveof systemic integrity four-ness--- 12 vertex asymmetricaltransformation to maximal symmetry of regular and convex, structuralintegrity { 60 degree-ness }
........5-fold .icosa{20}hedron see virus protein shell
6 = purity of symmetry common to Cosmos, Great Mama, Universe, TheWhole Sha-bang and regular hexagon has 6 regular triangles {symmetrical }
........6 lines of relationship is minimal 3D volume of Universe as3-fold tetra{4}hedron....See LINKs how brain uses triangles and hexagons for mapping location....
7 = primary agent of diversity and 7 axis of the 4-foldcubo-octahedron { VE as God 7 surface planes/openings double = 14 }and as the VE’s 4 axis sets { 3, 4, 6 and 12 } along with primary5-fold icosahedron’s 3 axis sets { 3, 6, 15 } accommodates 7primary wholistic spin planes/circles ergo 3D Quantum Space-time Tori expansion of each 2D, axis spun, great circle vector of spin. * ) i ( * ) and the i is human Meta-space ego identifier.....
8 = first dual of systemic integrity { 4 }
...square [ ] and cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron has 6 such surface squares offlexible transformation ....
9 = first triangulation { 9-ness } of triangulation { 3 }
10 = first dual of the alternate 5-fold inter-change for structuralintegrity { 60 degreeness } contains five sets of 4-foldcubo-octahedron