Indeed, it is a complex issue. You said, “I think there are some security measures that would make sense,” and I was just wondering what those proposed measures were.
border security isn't a particularly important issue as far as I am concerned. So I don't have strong opinions on what additional measures would be helpful. Current measures seem to be mostly what is needed. I'm sure there are areas of improvement, but it's hardly an issue worth changing voting patterns over.
As for a more specific question, in what certain areas does fencing make sense?
in high traffic areas. In areas where it makes sense geographically. Building fences in the middle of nowhere isn't always easy, for example. Or over rocky areas, or near rivers etc.
I am making the point that tariffs aren’t absolutely required for trade to occur.
ok, but this is kind of a useless statement. I can say that communism is a perfect system where everyone shares everything equally and gets along. But in the real world, it does not work that way. You can say that trade does not require tariffs, and that is technically true. But in the real world, the one inhabited by humans, they are a requirement. No country has ever existed, and probably never will exist, that does not have some kind of tariffs or regulations on what good may enter.
as a random example that popped into my head that isn't a tariff, but is another reason you need border checks, there is a type of cheese made in Sicily that is quite dangerous to eat. It is legal in sicily, but illegal in most other countries. You need border checks to make sure no one is importing a potentially poisonous food.
Tariff policy is actually a whole other can of worms.
very true.
Recall that you were asking me what constitutes a “looser border,” and I answered.
my apologies, I went back and re-read your answer and I was not placing your answer in the correct context.
Ok. I just find that the US is often criticized devoid of any meaningful larger context. I am a believer in learning from other people’s mistakes and successes.
this is fair. The US situation is a bit unique though. A very large, sparsely populated border. One side has a highly advanced economy where even low paying work is would be "good" by the standards of people on the other side. It is very hard to secure. And even if you could, the ramifications would be dire. Much of the US' food production is reliant on imported labor, much of it from illegals. If the border were magically secure tomorrow, american food production would plummet, companies would go bankrupt, and food prices would jump.
Like yourself, I’m no expert on this subject. I am beginning to wonder if there is such a person.
there are many who would say that they are. But they don't agree with each other and usually have a political axe to grind.
I think our border should be more secure than it is, with more agents who are properly supported to do their job effectively. I think illegal immigration is too incentivized and that those incentives need to be reduced where possible. I think immigration should be a matter of national enrichment, not a show of global charity.
I think a core of the problem here is that the legal immigration path is broken. It is possible to immigrate legally of course, but there are many hurdles to jump though and it takes lots of time and money to do so. So if you only want doctors, mechanics, engineers etc, then the current system is cumbersome, but workable. But for people who want to move to america to do low end jobs, (janitors, working on farms etc), the system is a shit show. You aren't going to be able to stop people from trying to come illegally as long as it is effectively impossible for them to come legally. People want a better life, and if you tell them you will never be allowed to have one, they will find their own way.
The legal immigration system can be fixed of course, but there is no political will to do so. Both republicans and democrats benefit from the status quo. The democrats can point to those heartless, racist, republicans and use it to fundraise. The republicans can point to the open border, illegal loving, communists and use it to fundraise and fear monger. Neither side actually wants any sort of fix to the problem.