C: Hello Mr Paliov um a number of your own comments and actions have been um
characterized as dog whistling by the far right...
P: By who?
C: by a number of...
P: By Who?
C: but I think it's been characterized by that way but are you trying to show it...
P: By who? Sorry I just need to clarify by who??
C: By a number of different experts and a number of...
P: Who are the experts?
C: okay, well it's been established that this is this is a concern are you trying to court the far right vote all right...
P: Sorry who are these experts?
You say that there are "experts" who are saying this... who are they???
C: My question is are you trying to court...
P: Sorry I am sorry, but your question seems to be based on a false premise.
You can't even tell me who these experts are. It sounds like it's just a CBC smear job. Thank you.
C: But what about the question about whether....
P: The answer is that I have a common sense agenda to ax the carbon tax, bring home powerful paychecks, clear the way to build affordable homes, to put those people in housing that they they can afford. That is a common sense mainstream Canadian agenda. And I know that Justin Trudeau's supporters are so desperate to distract from that because his political career is falling apart, so we're seeing an attempt here to distract and protect Justin Trudeau from his extremely unpopular carbon taxes and other failing policies, but we won't let him or him or others distract from that reality, so thank you.
Fkn Based.
What do you guys think?