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08.15.2023 08:48PM
White privilege is most definitely 100% real. Wanna have a debate on it?

Okay, let's go.

Since there is a character limit in posting a topic/comment, you will have to go to my blog and read my position there. 
Then feel free to address whatever you think you can rebut, and we will debate the subject. 

Prove me wrong. 

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Let's debate the subject of white privilege here. 
Vegasgiants's avatar
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I was born a white straight Christian male in America 

I was born on third base
sadolite's avatar
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I'm white, you can have my privilege. My priviligged is 60 to 80 hour work weeks doing back breaking work. Come and get it if you think you can handle it.  I'll sit on my ass and live off welfare for awhile.
n8nrgim's avatar
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do blacks get discriminated against for being black? sometimes. do white? not as much. given whites dont face the same level of discrimination, it's fair to say they have white privilege. it's not rocket science. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Black man Travis King got discriminated in USA. He defected to North Korea to find peace.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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Well, Devon? 
Devon's avatar
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I'm almost done reading your blog, I'm on the last two paragraphs. I'll come with my response later on today around noon.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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Copy that. 

There is further perspective on my position of white privilege at my blog regarding Robin DiAngelo's book as well. 
But I am sure you have your hands full already with what I wrote and all the cited references debunking white privilege
Devon's avatar
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You make some good points. Are you familiar with Candace Owens? She's in the political field and speaks on race and all types of things. There's some things I agree with her and some things that she says that I don't agree with but I like her. Like I said you make some good points but I have to rebut the lie that is "black privilege" which doesn't exist at all.

White Privilege by definition: White privilege, or white skin privilege, is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.

WP = white privilege. Gonna abbreviate it.

White people have benefitted from WP whether you believe it or not/whether you realize it or not and I appreciate the white people do who realize their privilege and acknowledge that WP is real. Like @n8nrgim said blacks get discriminated way more. We *always do. As a black man when I go to the store I have to worry about being watched to see if I'm stealing due to the color of my skin. To say WP doesn't exist is like saying racism doesn't exist. I had a feeling that black privilege was gonna be brought up unfortunately, in fact I knew you would bring it up in your blog, had we debated it I predicted you were gonna bring it up. Wanna know why? Because this happened to me years ago with someone else. I had a debate on and someone said that black privilege exists because if I recall, their stance was white privilege doesn't exist. "black privilege"? That's outlandish. I seen this coming a mile away. Do you know how much shit black people go through and still do? By bringing up black privilege is merely moving the goal post and not wanting to take responsibility. "Let's not acknowledge WP and pick something out of the sky randomly and find something wrong with black people and point the finger." so you wanna take the word privilege and stick it on black people to deflect. The last thing black people are is privileged. Slavery existed. So then by saying there's black privilege is a big insult and a slap in the face. 

BLM was created. White people were offended by that and kept saying "All lives matter" of course discrediting black lives. BLM means black lives matter too, not black lives matter only. The movement was created to say that our lives matter just like everyone else's. 

  • White people don't have to worry about the texture of their hair, the color of their skin color or their cultural accessories as the reason why they didn't get a job.
  • White people don't have to worry about being told to get over slavery, or Jim Crow, or segregation in schools, and jobs, as if it does not affect every single aspect of their life to this day.
  • White people don't have to worry about having a talk with their children about obeying police officers and following their every command or their life could be gone.
  • White people don't have to worry about informing their children of the harsh realities of systematic racism.
  • White people don't have to worry about having a talk with their children about obeying police officers and following their every command or their life could be gone.
  • White people don't have to worry about being articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised. Growing up, I've been told all the time that I "talk white" just by how I sound and how articulate I am. No, it's just that I'm well spoken.
Another classic case of WP: 

Case one: A jury has sentenced a Waco (TX) man convicted of stealing a $35 rack of ribs to 50 years in prison. (Black man) 50 years in jail over some ribs. Source: Yes per the article that wasn't the only crime he committed, the other one was in 2011 which yes is still wrong but look at the second case below, which lives were actually unfortunately taken. 

Case two: A white man named Ethan Couch. He killed four people while driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs on June 15, 2013, In Burleson, Texas. Yet he received no prison time after a psychologist testified that Couch was a victim of "affluenza," a product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for him. They just said he had mental illness, gave him a pat on the wrist and never even punished him. Source: Had this been a black guy they would've put him in jail and threw away the key no questions asked. He wouldn't have gotten a mental illness excuse. 

Now compare that case, to the black man who stole some ribs. Prime example of WP, there's no way around that.

Also the two thugs who murdered Emmett Till and got away with it per the all-white jury. They literally got away with murder. Another case of WP. What's so crazy is all these years later it came out that Carolyn Bryant lied about Emmett whistling at her. 

Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, etc

White privilege is definitely real as there are many real life examples and proof, has a whole definition and everything. There is no such thing as black privilege in fact to even claim that there is black privilege is laughable. That's just something that I guess people made up, plus there is no official definition of black privilege. Now if you're talking about the hypocrisy of celebs like Jada Pinkett, I can maybe see that but has "black privilege" ALWAYS been a thing for many years? White privilege has been here since forever. And no I'm not saying what she displayed is black privilege. 

TWS1405_2's avatar
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Thank you for your comment/reply. As of this writing, just saw it. Wanted to acknowledge it. I will read it thoroughly and thoughtfully and reply in kind.  
FLRW's avatar
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     Well stated.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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I would respectfully ask you keep out of this discussion between Devon and I. We do not need the distraction.
sadolite's avatar
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If blacks want to use white privilige as  reason they cant compete with me for some blue collar job, so be it. Less competition in the work place for me.
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...but I have to rebut the lie that is "black privilege" which doesn't exist at all.
Yes, I am very familiar with Candace Owens as I am Officer Brandon Tatum, Anthony Brian Logan, Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elder, the LFR Family, and many more black commentators who all agree with my position(s). Or rather I should say I agree with all of their position(s), since they align with my position(s). Anyhow...

Black privilege does exist, and I believe I successfully argued that in my piece you read regarding white privilege. When the mainstream media pushes 100% of topic areas aligned with black oppression, that's black privilege. "Black privilege is held up by over representation of Black people and Black culture in society and culture." There is way overrepresentation in both sports and music of Black people, which begs the question why we don't try to force equal representation in other aspects of society and culture, but not where Blacks are overrepresented? "Inconsistent application of principles will only lead to bias. In areas, where Black people tend to over perform, we call the competition fair. In areas where Black people tend to underperform, we call for more intervention. How is this not Black privilege?" And let's not forget the amount of racist shit Black people say on National Television and print and no one bats an eye, in fact many applaud and bow to their tenacity to say such blatant racist shit towards White people. Joy Ann Reid. Elie Mystal. Whoopie Goldberg. Sunny Hostin. Al Sharpton. The list is long and ridiculous. But if a white person said anything remotely close to the level of trash these people say, they're immediately fired, canceled, and castigated from society. That is Black Privilege. 

"Black privilege entails possessing the power to manipulate space, regardless of the degree, within the black sub-world. Black privilege can also be used within white space to progress and/or regress black privilege. This is a powerful phenomenon as it entices one to the possibility of more, and more is often located within the confines of white space." - SOURCE

The 2020 summer BLM riots are another clear-cut sign of Black privilege.

"Black privilege is so pervasive that it’s hard to miss, he says. College professors practicing “affirmative grading” hold black students to lower standards than others. Corporations offer programs and internships to black workers but not to whites."

"Blackness, though, has become a “tremendous asset” in contemporary America, he writes in his column. Despite the “horrific and evil history of racism against black people,” being black today gives its recipients privileges ranging from landing coveted college scholarships to becoming activists who can build careers on racial grievances, he says." - CNN ARTICLE 

"Black Privilege is not about having the same rights or privileges white people have enjoyed or are enjoying. It’s about how certain things can be enjoyed or done by blacks without any fear of being called racist." - SOURCE

Black privilege is real. 

White Privilege by definition: White privilege, or white skin privilege, is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.

Like @n8nrgim said blacks get discriminated way more. We *always do. As a black man when I go to the store I have to worry about being watched to see if I'm stealing due to the color of my skin.
That is a vague definition of white privilege. You need to give it more clarity by defining what "societal privilege" is. The way I see it, you, like everyone else, conflate the merit one employs to get something in/out of life with their skin color absent that merit. Just because someone has white skin doesn't automatically make them the winner of the lottery (e.g., the job, promotion, scholarship, etc.). Privilege, "a special advantage, immunity, permission, right or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual," is earned, it is not given freely. Blacks who excel in school, achieve good grades, win scholarships, and go on to become entrepreneurs earn the same privilege as anyone else striving for the same thing(s).

After I got out of the Army my first job while going to college was in Loss Prevention, and I know exactly the scenario being described here by n8nrgim. What I have come to learn and understand since is the fact that Black people are overrepresented in shoplifting than other races. So given certain locations of the stores, location of certain products within the store, yeah, eyes will move more towards those more commonly involved in retail theft than anyone else less commonly involved. It's as the saying goes, the cops go where the crime is, not where it isn't. So, store clerks and loss prevention officers will follow those more involved in theft based on criminological data. If it happens to be a person of color being followed more, well, you/they have no one to blame but their own race for that reality. It has nothing to do with "white privilege."

To say WP doesn't exist is like saying racism doesn't exist.
False equivalency fallacy. 

I had a debate on and someone said that black privilege exists because if I recall, their stance was white privilege doesn't exist. "black privilege"? That's outlandish. I seen this coming a mile away. Do you know how much shit black people go through and still do?
That shit is much of their own fault, as the example of shoplifting above and the realities of criminological data. 

By bringing up black privilege is merely moving the goal post and not wanting to take responsibility.
Nothing could be further from the truth. But since you brought up taking responsibility, it is to the Black community that refuses to connect the dots and take personal responsibility and accountability. Denying their own stake in the denied problem and immediately blaming the white boogeyman. 

This video commentary by Anthony Brian Logan (ABL) regarding Larry Elder's recent interview on The Breakfast Club with Charlamange and a couple others is a perfect example of a black person stuck in their "blame white" attitude and denying the truth. Forward to 7 min exactly to skip to her and then listen to ABL's retort saying pretty much what I have been saying (in that blog and others written and posted at my site), that blacks are the ones who voted for the policies they wanted - the welfare, the crime bill, etc. and when things do not go the way they expected, they just blame whitey instead of looking inward and seeing that they are their own problem and they need to start taking personal responsibility for their actions and/or inactions. 

The last thing black people are is privileged. Slavery existed. So then by saying there's black privilege is a big insult and a slap in the face. 
This historical institution of slavery has absolutely nothing to do with the realities of black privilege. Yet another false equivalency fallacy on your part. 

BLM was created.
On a lie.

White people were offended by that and kept saying "All lives matter" of course discrediting black lives. BLM means black lives matter too, not black lives matter only. The movement was created to say that our lives matter just like everyone else's. 
No, not just white people...all people were offended by it; and saying all lives matter does not discredit black lives. In fact, black people are the ones who truly discredit black lives. They do it every day when a black person kills another black person, they turn a blinds eye and only start jumping on cars screaming and hollering when a white person, namely a cop, shoots a black person, and not necessarily killing them, but that is often the result. BLM is selective on which black lives matter dependent on who kills the black life. This fact makes BLM a joke in more ways than one given the fact that the founders took the money donated to the organization and ran, profiting only themselves and close family and friends with excessive payments under false pretenses. BLM is also used as an excuse to cause millions, if not billions of dollars in damages through rioting which always results in Burning, Looting and Murdering (BLM) innocent people in the name of none other than a glorified criminal. The FACT that next to no one has been held accountable for the billions in damages caused by the BLM riots of 2020, whilst the government making an example out of a handful of idiots for J6, most to all of them white (some Hispanic), further demonstrates the existence of black privilege. 

  • White people don't have to worry about the texture of their hair, the color of their skin color or their cultural accessories as the reason why they didn't get a job.
Neither do black people if they would just adhere to the grooming standards of the company, they are applying to instead of trying to make a statement and rock the boat that was cruising along just fine without them to begin with. 

  • White people don't have to worry about being told to get over slavery, or Jim Crow, or segregation in schools, and jobs, as if it does not affect every single aspect of their life to this day.
Slavery, Jim Crow, or segregation in schools and in jobs do not affect any black person to this day. It is all in their head. It's called the victimhood mentality. 
Every race of human beings have been subjugated to slavery by another race, or their own, at some point in time in history. Every race of human beings have suffered segregation and even Jim Crow type laws, like the Chinese and Irish in America. There is no race other than Blacks that dwell on the past and let it affect their abilities to progress forward. Asians certain do not and they are at the top of everything: education, scholarships, university admissions, employment, nuclear families, strong culture; whites second; Hispanics third and Blacks at or near the bottom. And that reality has nothing to do with racism let alone so-called systemic racism and everything to do with the victimhood mentality intertwined with political paranoia. 

  • White people don't have to worry about having a talk with their children about obeying police officers and following their every command or their life could be gone.
Wrong. White people do in fact have to, along with Hispanics, since they are shot and killed more than Black people. 

  • White people don't have to worry about informing their children of the harsh realities of systematic racism.
Well at present they sure as shit do with all the reverse racism going on being peddled by CRT courses. Not to mention the lies of systemic racism as well. 

"Economist Thomas Sowell expressed the belief that the term “systemic racism” has “no meaning” and that it reminds him of Nazi Germany.
“It really has no meaning that can be specified and tested in the way that one tests hypotheses,” he said, adding that the phrase’s currency is reminiscent of Nazi “propaganda tactics” and that people accept the lie after it’s “repeated long enough and loud enough.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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White people don't have to worry about having a talk with their children about obeying police officers and following their every command or their life could be gone.
  • This is a double bullet point...
White people don't have to worry about being articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised. Growing up, I've been told all the time that I "talk white" just by how I sound and how articulate I am. No, it's just that I'm well spoken.
"Poor grammar is the fastest way for an employer to eliminate an interviewee. By “poor grammar”, I mean grammar that doesn’t adhere to standard American English (I have been informed many times that this is also known as ‘talking white’). Well-meaning linguists and rhetoricians oftentimes call the language of the inner-city “black english”. (Imagine what this says to a black guy who doesn’t speak that way). So, if interviewers prefer candidates who speak standard American English, what is the only sensical response? If you said, “speak standard American English”, then we’re on the same page. If you said “your manner of speaking shouldn’t matter”, then I would like to move from the real world to your marshmallow equality land." - SOURCE

White people, typically, speak standard American English, which is why they don't have to worry about it. Even Asians and others where English is a second language always strive to speak standard American English. Blacks, apparently, do not, as they prefer Black English, and make little to no efforts to speak standard American English. That is a choice that comes with consequences, and it has nothing to do with white privilege. It's called capitalism, and if you want to work let alone do business not only in America, but worldwide, then you adhere to the language standard which is American English. 

Another classic case of WP: 

Case one: A jury has sentenced a Waco (TX) man convicted of stealing a $35 rack of ribs to 50 years in prison. (Black man) 50 years in jail over some ribs. Source: Yes per the article that wasn't the only crime he committed, the other one was in 2011 which yes is still wrong but look at the second case below, which lives were actually unfortunately taken. 

Case two: A white man named Ethan Couch. He killed four people while driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs on June 15, 2013, In Burleson, Texas. Yet he received no prison time after a psychologist testified that Couch was a victim of "affluenza," a product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for him. They just said he had mental illness, gave him a pat on the wrist and never even punished him. Source: Had this been a black guy they would've put him in jail and threw away the key no questions asked. He wouldn't have gotten a mental illness excuse. 

Now compare that case, to the black man who stole some ribs. Prime example of WP, there's no way around that.
Yet another false equivalency fallacy and using an asinine outlier case like the affluenza psychobabble nonsense is just no comparison to the first case. 
Two completely different cases, different circumstances, and different criminal histories that have to be taken into account when convicting and sentencing the defendant. Neither case is an example of white privilege, and the second was all about money and getting a so-called expert to come up with some bullshit diagnoses that got the spoiled brat off for murdering those people. Where was this bullshit defense when Robert Downey Jr could have used it before he spent time in prison. He too was certainly spoiled, and his parents didn't set any limits and look what happened to him. 

Also the two thugs who murdered Emmett Till and got away with it per the all-white jury. They literally got away with murder. Another case of WP. What's so crazy is all these years later it came out that Carolyn Bryant lied about Emmett whistling at her. 
  • Irrelevant. Different time and era that has no bearing on the realities of present day.
Trayvon Martin,
  • Got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege.
Michael Brown,
He reaped what he sowed, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege. In fact, the officer that killed him in defense of his own life, his life is ruined because of this black kid. That is an example of black privilege. An innocent white man always having to live in hiding for fear of what might happen to him or someone in his family because he did his job and a black male died. Yet whenever black people kill white people, they don't have to hide when found innocent for doing so. Hell, even OJ wrote a book after he was acquitted, went golfing, and enjoyed his life up until he got himself in trouble and went to prison for it. Again, black privilege. 

Tamir Rice,
Sad to say, but he too reaped what he sowed. How was the officer to know the gun Rice had was not a real pistol? When cops hesitate trying to decide if the weapon is real or not, they more often than not lose their life (Cops are more than 18.5x likely to be shot and killed in the line of duty by a black male). Kids too are killers, so the officer did his job and went home to his family. Still, this case had nothing to do with so-called white privilege. 

Sandra Bland, etc
  • She took her own life after making more bad life decisions. Nothing to do with so-called white privilege either.

White privilege is definitely real as there are many real life examples and proof, has a whole definition and everything. There is no such thing as black privilege in fact to even claim that there is black privilege is laughable. That's just something that I guess people made up, plus there is no official definition of black privilege. Now if you're talking about the hypocrisy of celebs like Jada Pinkett, I can maybe see that but has "black privilege" ALWAYS been a thing for many years? White privilege has been here since forever. And no I'm not saying what she displayed is black privilege. 
No, white privilege is not real. All the examples you gave herein I debunked, and anymore you think you can list I will debunk just the same.
Even Candace Owens doesn't believe in it. 

Black privilege is real, and I have more than sufficiently affirmed that fact. The in-your-face fact of this reality is Affirmative Action, the pinnacle of black privilege. To deny its existence is what is laughable, and a clear sign of intellectual cowardice. 

Devon's avatar
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Devon's avatar
And let's not forget the amount of racist shit Black people say on National Television and print and no one bats an eye, in fact many applaud and bow to their tenacity to say such blatant racist shit towards White people. Joy Ann Reid. Elie Mystal. Whoopie Goldberg. Sunny Hostin. Al Sharpton. The list is long and ridiculous. But if a white person said anything remotely close to the level of trash these people say, they're immediately fired, canceled, and castigated from society. That is Black Privilege.
And how many things have white people gotten away with? White people have done horrible things and trashed black people so when black people do the same thing it's an issue. Black people have been done so dirty for a long time so it is what it is. I wouldn't call it black privilege. 

That is a vague definition of white privilege.
It's not rocket science. I don't need to go deeper. Let's have a real conversation here and ask you a question, is black supremacy real? Is that a thing? Do you think white supremacy doesn't exist?

If it happens to be a person of color being followed more, well, you/they have no one to blame but their own race for that reality. It has nothing to do with "white privilege."
It has everything to do with it. A white person can steal and get away with it more easily, yet black people get harassed for not even doing anything, I've witnessed this because I've worked retail before. A Walmart employee is more likely to check a black person's receipt than white person.

That shit is much of their own fault, as the example of shoplifting above and the realities of criminological data.
It goes way beyond shoplifting. Slavery isn't black people's fault. Not saying you said it was, just using it as an example.

This historical institution of slavery has absolutely nothing to do with the realities of black privilege. Yet another false equivalency fallacy on your part.
I'm talking about the overall history of black people and that includes slavery. You can't separate the two of them to help your argument (slavery and "black privilege").

On a lie.
How was BLM created on a lie?

No, not just white people...all people were offended by it; and saying all lives matter does not discredit black lives. In fact, black people are the ones who truly discredit black lives. They do it every day when a black person kills another black person, they turn a blinds eye and only start jumping on cars screaming and hollering when a white person, namely a cop, shoots a black person, and not necessarily killing them, but that is often the result. BLM is selective on which black lives matter dependent on who kills the black life. This fact makes BLM a joke in more ways than one given the fact that the founders took the money donated to the organization and ran, profiting only themselves and close family and friends with excessive payments under false pretenses. BLM is also used as an excuse to cause millions, if not billions of dollars in damages through rioting which always results in Burning, Looting and Murdering (BLM) innocent people in the name of none other than a glorified criminal. The FACT that next to no one has been held accountable for the billions in damages caused by the BLM riots of 2020, whilst the government making an example out of a handful of idiots for J6, most to all of them white (some Hispanic), further demonstrates the existence of black privilege.
I admit I agree with pretty much everything you're saying here especially about how the founders took the money. You make some good points. Black on black crime is wrong. With the looting that has happened, people are just tired of the injustices.

There is no race other than Blacks that dwell on the past and let it affect their abilities to progress forward.
Well probably because blacks got treated the worst and is still getting discriminated the most present day.

This is a double bullet point...
My bad. Was editing and must have put that twice.

White people, typically, speak standard American English, which is why they don't have to worry about it. Even Asians and others where English is a second language always strive to speak standard American English. Blacks, apparently, do not, as they prefer Black English, and make little to no efforts to speak standard American English. That is a choice that comes with consequences, and it has nothing to do with white privilege. It's called capitalism, and if you want to work let alone do business not only in America, but worldwide, then you adhere to the language standard which is American English.
There's many white people who don't speak proper English and not all black people speak "Black English" or are "ghetto" there's some who speak proper English but unfortunately when they do, they "talk white" when it shouldn't be labeled as that. It should just be that they are well spoken. This is what I mean by white privilege. It also depends where you grow up. Some white people grew up around black people and tend to talk like them or a black person can grow up around white people and talk like them, it depends, so you can't put everyone in the same box. Some white folks talk slang and as country as they wanna be yet they aren't judged for it like black people are lmao again white privilege. 

(Emmett Till)
Irrelevant. Different time and era that has no bearing on the realities of present day.
But it does. This compares to the modern-day. Trayvon Martin case. History repeats itself.

(Trayvon Martin)
Got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege.
Got what he deserved? Yeah no. But I'll let you have this point since this is a sensitive topic for me, and I actually care about lives lost, especially Tamir Rice. An innocent 12 year old boy.

(Michael Brown)
He reaped what he sowed, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege. In fact, the officer that killed him in defense of his own life, his life is ruined because of this black kid.
Michael Brown was literally weaponless, on his knees with his hands up. He was defenseless. Yet officer Wilson still shot and killed him. What are you talking about defended his own life? He was afraid of him off of the mere fact that he was a black man. Officer Wilson wasn't innocent and he deserves to live in fear because he didn't have to do what he did. Could've arrested him or anything without having to take his life.

Tamir Rice
So you telling me a trained officer is unable to tell between a real and a fake pistol? Wonder if this was a 12 year old little white boy would they have shot and killed him in cold blood. I also wonder would you even have some sympathy if this was a white boy who was killed.

Sandra Bland
You can't prove she took her own life. No one truly knows what happened at that back room she was in as there were no cameras. It's still a mystery to this day. I don't know what happened either but I doubt she took her own life. There's a lot of sketchy camera footage, I believe one of the officers killed her to protect themselves because in the video where she was pulled over and they told her to get out of the car, she kept saying that she was going to sue them. Afterwards she took her life? Doesn't make sense. There's a reason why there's so many holes in this story and so many people around the world - including Sandra Bland's family doesn't believe she took her own life. They said she was outgoing and had a lot to live for. There was no indication of depression or anything for her to just take her own life. She made many uplifting videos. Look at all these comments Sandra Bland Jailhouse Video Shows Last Moments of Her Life - YouTube Common sense. Come on now. 

Saying white privilege isn't real/not believing it is one thing but to seriously say black privilege is real is delusional especially with all the hell black people has always gone through.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
And let's not forget the amount of racist shit Black people say on National Television and print and no one bats an eye, in fact many applaud and bow to their tenacity to say such blatant racist shit towards White people. Joy Ann Reid. Elie Mystal. Whoopie Goldberg. Sunny Hostin. Al Sharpton. The list is long and ridiculous. But if a white person said anything remotely close to the level of trash these people say, they're immediately fired, canceled, and castigated from society. That is Black Privilege.
And how many things have white people gotten away with? White people have done horrible things and trashed black people so when black people do the same thing it's an issue. Black people have been done so dirty for a long time so it is what it is. I wouldn't call it black privilege. 
That is the "But he started it!" retort a child gives when caught doing something wrong. 
Blacks have done horrible things and trashed white people too.
White people have been done dirty by black people for a longtime too! Every single year more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa. 
The central/core issue when it comes to black privilege is the obvious double standard at play between blacks and whites as of late. 
When I read your retort here, all I hear is (beyond the 'but he started it'), 'it's about time they get a taste of their own medicine.' 
Two wrongs do not make a right. Never has, never will. 

White people, and even Hispanics, have been getting fired over falsely perceived acts or statements as being racist or associated to white supremacy. Like this SDG&E Worker being fired for merely cracking his knuckles on his left hand, one finger at a time. But some idiot took photos and posted them to Twitter and claimed he was exhibiting a white power sign. So, the employer jumped the gun and fired the employee in order to get ahead of any bad press or potential further reprisal by the liberal SJW clan.  Crap like this has been going on for decades; back in 1999 a top aide for DC Mayor Anthony Williams who was forced to resign for using the non-racial innocuous term "niggardly" at a meeting in the context of how he would need to manage a fund's tight budget. Some at the meeting became "triggered" and felt it was racist, when clearly it was not nor ever intended to be such. 

Black people, even white liberals make asinine statements about White Americans that should bear serious consequences but more often than not do not. Nick Cannon making asinine racist and anti-sematic remarks and yet he is still a host on Masked Singer. Joy Reid says factually inaccurate racist shit every time she gets in front of the camera, and she is still on MSNBC! Elie Mystal is an equal opportunity racist with his rhetoric too. Neither of them are fired. Neither of them are "cancelled." Neither of them are ostracized and shunned from their daily life like what happens to innocent white (and Hispanic) people. 

That is a vague definition of white privilege.
It's not rocket science. I don't need to go deeper. Let's have a real conversation here and ask you a question, is black supremacy real? Is that a thing? Do you think white supremacy doesn't exist?
Quoting out of context fallacy. 

Here is the proper context:

White Privilege by definition: White privilege, or white skin privilege, is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.
That is a vague definition of white privilege. You need to give it more clarity by defining what "societal privilege" is. The way I see it, you, like everyone else, conflate the merit one employs to get something in/out of life with their skin color absent that merit. Just because someone has white skin doesn't automatically make them the winner of the lottery (e.g., the job, promotion, scholarship, etc.). Privilege, "a special advantage, immunity, permission, right or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual," is earned, it is not given freely. Blacks who excel in school, achieve good grades, win scholarships, and go on to become entrepreneurs earn the same privilege as anyone else striving for the same thing(s).
No, it is not rocket science but you DO need to go deeper by explaining yourself more fully so not only I, but others reading your reply, have a clear understanding of your understanding of what and how you define white privilege as. Because as it stands now, it is just as muddy as when you first started; not to mention the fact you dropped my point about you conflating skin color with the true meaning of privilege. Also, you do not get to skate on giving a clear and concise definition by shifting the goal posts to a red herring topic of black supremacy. This topic is about white, and by extension, black privilege. Please define "societal privilege" that fits the context of your asserted term, "white privilege."

If it happens to be a person of color being followed more, well, you/they have no one to blame but their own race for that reality. It has nothing to do with "white privilege."
It has everything to do with it. A white person can steal and get away with it more easily, yet black people get harassed for not even doing anything, I've witnessed this because I've worked retail before. A Walmart employee is more likely to check a black person's receipt than white person.
What part of my explanation that I gave did you not understand!?! Cops do not go where the crime isn't, they go (seek out) where the crime is. Same for store clerks, store owners, and loss prevention officers. Crime data is irrefutable, as is the documented inventory of their store(s). When a certain product is stolen far more than other products, and that data is correlated to those individuals actually caught and charged stealing those products, then those who fit the demographics of individuals typically inclined to steal said products most often stolen. There is no way of getting around this. White privilege has nothing to do with this and everything to do with criminal behavior and criminology. 

That shit is much of their own fault, as the example of shoplifting above and the realities of criminological data.
It goes way beyond shoplifting. Slavery isn't black people's fault. Not saying you said it was, just using it as an example.
Well actually, slavery in the America's was the fault of black people. Africans sold Africans into slavery. 

  • The historical record is incontrovertible—as documented in the PBS Africans in America series companion book:
  • The white man did not introduce slavery to Africa . . . . And by the fifteenth century, men with dark skin had become quite comfortable with the concept of man as property . . . . Long before the arrival of Europeans on West Africa’s coast, the two continents shared a common acceptance of slavery as an unavoidable and necessary—perhaps even desirable—fact of existence. The commerce between the two continents, as tragic as it would become, developed upon familiar territory. Slavery was not a twisted European manipulation, although Europe capitalized on a mutual understanding and greedily expanded the slave trade into what would become a horrific enterprise . . . . It was a thunder that had no sound. Tribe stalked tribe, and eventually more than 20 million Africans would be kidnapped in their own homeland. 10
  • Historians estimate that ten million of these abducted Africans “never even made it to the slave ships. Most died on the march to the sea”—still chained, yoked, and shackled by their African captors—before they ever laid eyes on a white slave trader. 11

This historical institution of slavery has absolutely nothing to do with the realities of black privilege. Yet another false equivalency fallacy on your part.
I'm talking about the overall history of black people and that includes slavery. You can't separate the two of them to help your argument (slavery and "black privilege").
Yes, I can separate them as one has nothing to do with the other. 

On a lie.
How was BLM created on a lie?
Are you being serious? This is such old news and well documented.

There is no race other than Blacks that dwell on the past and let it affect their abilities to progress forward.
Well probably because blacks got treated the worst and is still getting discriminated the most present day.
There's that victimhood mentality again. Progressive blacks and white guilt liberals just keep that ticker ticking (i.e., race hustlers). 

No, the Chinese and other Asians, the Irish, the Jews, so on and so forth took the victor route vs the victim route. That's why they have and continue to thrive without dwelling on the past and using it as an excuse for any potential present-day failures and fuckups. 
TWS1405_2's avatar
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White people, typically, speak standard American English, which is why they don't have to worry about it. Even Asians and others where English is a second language always strive to speak standard American English. Blacks, apparently, do not, as they prefer Black English, and make little to no efforts to speak standard American English. That is a choice that comes with consequences, and it has nothing to do with white privilege. It's called capitalism, and if you want to work let alone do business not only in America, but worldwide, then you adhere to the language standard which is American English.
There's many white people who don't speak proper English and not all black people speak "Black English" or are "ghetto" there's some who speak proper English but unfortunately when they do, they "talk white" when it shouldn't be labeled as that. It should just be that they are well spoken. This is what I mean by white privilege. It also depends where you grow up. Some white people grew up around black people and tend to talk like them or a black person can grow up around white people and talk like them, it depends, so you can't put everyone in the same box. Some white folks talk slang and as country as they wanna be yet they aren't judged for it like black people are lmao again white privilege. 
You are right, it should not be labeled as "talking/speaking white," as that is implicitly racist. 
There is nothing about being articulate, intelligent, and successful being ascribed to any one particular race and labeling it by the skin color of that race. I mean by all measurements it would be called "talking/speaking yellow," since Asians are far more successful across the board than whites, Hispanics, et al...but it isn't so. Think on that. 

(Emmett Till)
Irrelevant. Different time and era that has no bearing on the realities of present day.
But it does. This compares to the modern-day. Trayvon Martin case. History repeats itself.
Emmett Till doesn't even come close to the Trayvon Martin case. Two different eras. Two different circumstances. Two different societies and social-psychological cultures. Two different everything. There is no comparison whatsoever. It is and remains a false equivalency fallacy. 

(Trayvon Martin)
Got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege.
Got what he deserved? Yeah no. But I'll let you have this point since this is a sensitive topic for me, and I actually care about lives lost, especially Tamir Rice. An innocent 12 year old boy.
Uh yes, he got what he deserved. I was a thug on the fast track to prison, just like so many other young black boys with absent fathers. 
There was photographic and physical evidence proving he was trying to join a gang attempting to get street credentials by beating the shit out of a white person. Zimmerman gave him means, motive and opportunity to do so and he took his shot and lost. So yeah, he got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege. 

(Michael Brown)
He reaped what he sowed, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege. In fact, the officer that killed him in defense of his own life, his life is ruined because of this black kid.
Michael Brown was literally weaponless, on his knees with his hands up. He was defenseless. Yet officer Wilson still shot and killed him. What are you talking about defended his own life? He was afraid of him off of the mere fact that he was a black man. Officer Wilson wasn't innocent and he deserves to live in fear because he didn't have to do what he did. Could've arrested him or anything without having to take his life.
God! Do you believe everything you are told about a serious case like that, or do you ever do your own research and learn the truth before making the same debunked leftist race-baiting talking points!!!?!!! Brown was NOT on his knees with his hands up. He literally attacked the officer for merely asking him to get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk. He tried to steal the officer's service pistol and throwing punches. In the final moments, Michael Brown started to run away but turned and charged at the officer and caused his own death. He was never on his knees, and he certainly did not have his hands up. The officer was already brutally assaulted by Brown who tried to take his pistol, all this after strongarm robbery of a store clerk over cigars (and yes, the officer did not know this), so in his mind, in any reasonable person's mind, Brown wasn't going to stop until the officer was mortally wounded or dead. The officer shot to save his life. End of story. It is the same story that the DOJ came to, as the evidence proved. You're delusional if you believe it went down any other way. 

Tamir Rice
So you telling me a trained officer is unable to tell between a real and a fake pistol? Wonder if this was a 12 year old little white boy would they have shot and killed him in cold blood. I also wonder would you even have some sympathy if this was a white boy who was killed.
White boys have been shot and killed while holding a toy gun, an airsoft gun of all obvious toy guns, and there were no riots or public outcry over it either. 
As I said, police who second guess themselves more often than not end up seriously injured (career ending kind), or dead (definitely career ending). If a kid doesn't listen or drop what's in their hands when a cop arrives on scene, well, that goes to bad parenting, and I blame them and not the cops. 

Sandra Bland
You can't prove she took her own life.
Yeah, I can. It's called an autopsy

"Details from an autopsy released today indicated that Sandra Bland died as a result of suicide and that there were no signs of struggle that would be consistent with a violent death." 

Afterwards she took her life? Doesn't make sense. There's a reason why there's so many holes in this story and so many people around the world - including Sandra Bland's family doesn't believe she took her own life. They said she was outgoing and had a lot to live for. There was no indication of depression or anything for her to just take her own life. She made many uplifting videos. Look at all these comments Sandra Bland Jailhouse Video Shows Last Moments of Her Life - YouTube Common sense. Come on now. 
She also had a history of suicidality. So yeah, it makes sense. Of course, her family will say she wouldn't take her own life, they have to believe that. 

Saying white privilege isn't real/not believing it is one thing but to seriously say black privilege is real is delusional especially with all the hell black people has always gone through.
It's not real. It's falsely ascribed to normal human activities that involve us all, but it is used as a hammer and wedge to keep dividing blacks and whites on racial grounds.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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(Trayvon Martin)
Got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege.
Got what he deserved? Yeah no. But I'll let you have this point since this is a sensitive topic for me, and I actually care about lives lost, especially Tamir Rice. An innocent 12 year old boy.
Uh yes, he got what he deserved. HE was a thug on the fast track to prison, just like so many other young black boys with absent fathers. 
There was photographic and physical evidence proving he was trying to join a gang attempting to get street credentials by beating the shit out of a white person. Zimmerman gave him means, motive and opportunity to do so and he took his shot and lost. So yeah, he got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege. 

Devon's avatar
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Devon's avatar
No, it is not rocket science but you DO need to go deeper by explaining yourself more fully so not only I, but others reading your reply, have a clear understanding of your understanding of what and how you define white privilege as.
I know exactly what you said, and I read everything, I felt no need to re-quote it word for word and I didn't ignore anything. There's no need for me to dig deeper. You're simply asking for "societal privilege"? White people simply have privilege over non people of color in society. What else is there to explain?

Also, you do not get to skate on giving a clear and concise definition by shifting the goal posts to a red herring topic of black supremacy. This topic is about white, and by extension, black privilege. Please define "societal privilege" that fits the context of your asserted term, "white privilege."
No, since you said "black privilege" is real I brought up black supremacy and asked you if it was real. I see you didn't answer. My point exactly because you know it isn't real. It's not a red herring at all. I brought up white supremacy since it ties into white privilege, which isn't my asserted term, it's a REAL universal term, unlike black privilege which is NOT real term nor a real thing.

This is my first time on a forum on this site. Is this dialogue between me and you exclusively or is it shared by other people in the forum and they can add their input? I ask since you say "but others reading your reply" yet you replied to someone earlier and wanted them to stay out of the conversation and that it was between you and me and didn't want any distractions. 

Well actually, slavery in the America's was the fault of black people. Africans sold Africans into slavery.
Oh wow so now slavery is black people's fault, okay Kanye. You clearly don't know history. I'm done with this now, this is getting foolish. You have your opinion and I rest my case.

I'm talking about the overall history of black people and that includes slavery. You can't separate the two of them to help your argument (slavery and "black privilege").
Yes, I can separate them as one has nothing to do with the other.
It absolutely does. Again, you're trying to help your argument because you know by me bringing up slavery destroys your stance. Slavery has something to do with black people. Your fake asserted term "black privilege" has something to do with black people. So those two go together. How is there "black privilege" when black people have gone through something as horrible as slavery? I rest my case.

I read that article word for word and it's nothing but bullshit. BLM didn't start with lies, it started with Michael Brown rightfully so, with the unjustified killings of unarmed black men.

Emmett Till doesn't even come close to the Trayvon Martin case. Two different eras. Two different circumstances. Two different societies and social-psychological cultures. Two different everything. There is no comparison whatsoever. It is and remains a false equivalency fallacy.
You're right it's two different eras but this just shows that unfortunately things have not changed. White men still unlawfully getting away with killing innocent black boys.

Uh yes, he got what he deserved. I was a thug on the fast track to prison, just like so many other young black boys with absent fathers.
There was photographic and physical evidence proving he was trying to join a gang attempting to get street credentials by beating the shit out of a white person. Zimmerman gave him means, motive and opportunity to do so and he took his shot and lost. So yeah, he got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege.
Zimmerman wasn't the police and was instructed not to keep following Trayvon yet he did. Hopefully one day someone kills Zimmerman.

God! Do you believe everything you are told about a serious case like that, or do you ever do your own research and learn the truth before making the same debunked leftist race-baiting talking points!!!?!!! Brown was NOT on his knees with his hands up. He literally attacked the officer for merely asking him to get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk. He tried to steal the officer's service pistol and throwing punches. In the final moments, Michael Brown started to run away but turned and charged at the officer and caused his own death. He was never on his knees, and he certainly did not have his hands up. The officer was already brutally assaulted by Brown who tried to take his pistol, all this after strongarm robbery of a store clerk over cigars (and yes, the officer did not know this), so in his mind, in any reasonable person's mind, Brown wasn't going to stop until the officer was mortally wounded or dead. The officer shot to save his life. End of story. It is the same story that the DOJ came to, as the evidence proved. You're delusional if you believe it went down any other way.

White boys have been shot and killed while holding a toy gun, an airsoft gun of all obvious toy guns, and there were no riots or public outcry over it either.
As I said, police who second guess themselves more often than not end up seriously injured (career ending kind), or dead (definitely career ending). If a kid doesn't listen or drop what's in their hands when a cop arrives on scene, well, that goes to bad parenting, and I blame them and not the cops.
The problem was that when the cops pulled up, they never said "freeze" or "drop your weapon" they automatically started shooting right as he pulled up within a span of two seconds. Has nothing to do with bad parenting, that was a officer who doesn't know how to do their job and was discriminating. How do you mistake a 12 year old for a 20 year old? What a joke.

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I‘ll enjoy dismantling your latest diatribe of utter nonsensical denialism tomorrow. I’ve spent too much time sitting at the laptop typing and binder watching the Lincoln Lawyer while responding to you. Until then…
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Oh, and to answer your question about others seeing and able to comment here is yes. I asked that other person to stay out of it because he trolls more than he contributes. Didn’t want our discussion getting derailed with his nonsense. But others surely can comment if they choose to so long as it meaningfully contributes to the discussion and doesn’t derail it. That being said, I prefer it to be just you and I for consistency. 
Devon's avatar
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No, it is not rocket science but you DO need to go deeper by explaining yourself more fully so not only I, but others reading your reply, have a clear understanding of your understanding of what and how you define white privilege as.
I know exactly what you said, and I read everything, I felt no need to re-quote it word for word and I didn't ignore anything. There's no need for me to dig deeper. You're simply asking for "societal privilege"? White people simply have privilege over non people of color in society. What else is there to explain?
Look, you cannot give a vague simplistic personal definition of what you claim is "white privilege," it must be understood completely within the societal context. Since you specifically stated, "societal privilege," you need to define what that means in context of your idea of what you think "white privilege" is. Otherwise, you are just making up nonsense that amounts to race baiting/hustling just like everyone else spewing the same nonsense. 

And no, white people do not have any free, unearned "privilege" that non people of color don't have. That's pure nonsense, as previously stated. 

Also, you do not get to skate on giving a clear and concise definition by shifting the goal posts to a red herring topic of black supremacy. This topic is about white, and by extension, black privilege. Please define "societal privilege" that fits the context of your asserted term, "white privilege."
No, since you said "black privilege" is real I brought up black supremacy and asked you if it was real. I see you didn't answer.
I did answer, black supremacy, like white supremacy, is an entirely different subject matter. Stick to the topic of white, and by extension, black privilege. 

My point exactly because you know it isn't real. It's not a red herring at all. I brought up white supremacy since it ties into white privilege, which isn't my asserted term, it's a REAL universal term, unlike black privilege which is NOT real term nor a real thing.
Black privilege is real, and I have concretely established that fact. Even Black people acknowledge that black privilege is very real, and I have cited some saying the same. And when people like you get triggered over the factual accuracy in identifying, labeling and asserting black privilege when and where it is observed, it causes some people to get "cancelled." When that happens, when people cry "racist" loud and long enough, it just demonstrates they are afraid of the TRUTH!!!! Thankfully that professor got reinstated. You cannot fire an educator for speaking the truth. Truth =/= racism. 

Well actually, slavery in the America's was the fault of black people. Africans sold Africans into slavery.
Oh wow so now slavery is black people's fault, okay Kanye. You clearly don't know history. I'm done with this now, this is getting foolish. You have your opinion and I rest my case.
I do know history, a lot better than you do obviously. I have studied black American history for more than 25 years. I have over 400 books in my personal library on the subject, some dating to the mid 1800s covering slavery in North America. Clearly you cannot handle the truth if all you are going to do is tuck tail and run. The sources I cited make it perfectly clear, and it is factually accurate, that blacks sold their own into slavery vs working together against outside invaders/colonizers. So rest your case, you just lose. 

I'm talking about the overall history of black people and that includes slavery. You can't separate the two of them to help your argument (slavery and "black privilege").
Yes, I can separate them as one has nothing to do with the other.
It absolutely does. Again, you're trying to help your argument because you know by me bringing up slavery destroys your stance. Slavery has something to do with black people. Your fake asserted term "black privilege" has something to do with black people. So those two go together. How is there "black privilege" when black people have gone through something as horrible as slavery? I rest my case.

The history of slavery in North America has nothing to do with present day black privilege. Period. I have already given you a plethora of examples and cited sources affirming black privilege existing. You're just denying it. That's all. Your case is a losing case. 

I read that article word for word and it's nothing but bullshit. BLM didn't start with lies, it started with Michael Brown rightfully so, with the unjustified killings of unarmed black men.
Yes, BLM was started on a lie. That lie being the case of Michael Brown and the fallacious mantra "Hands up, Don't Shoot." It never happened. It was a lie. BLM was started on a lie. Fact. And an incontestable one at that. 

The year Breonna Taylor was shot, there were something along the lines of 1,014 shooting deaths involving police. Of those shootings, only 11 or so were considered unjustified and police were charged and investigated. All the rest were legally justified due to the behavior and actions of the suspect shot. So, a handful of unjustified shoots of black people is not an epidemic when more whites and Hispanics are killed every single year by cops than blacks are. Rather than just comply with lawful orders, far too many black males (and some women) believe they are entitled to question police, verbally accost them, and refuse lawful orders which results in them assaulting police and getting roughed up, if not killed, and it is all their fault. They reaped what they sowed. 

Emmett Till doesn't even come close to the Trayvon Martin case. Two different eras. Two different circumstances. Two different societies and social-psychological cultures. Two different everything. There is no comparison whatsoever. It is and remains a false equivalency fallacy.
You're right it's two different eras but this just shows that unfortunately things have not changed. White men still unlawfully getting away with killing innocent black boys.
White men get away with no such thing. Stop trying to pull a rabbit out of that clearly empty hat of yours. You're all out of tricks. You need to cite facts to back of these patently ridiculous claims.

Uh yes, he got what he deserved. I was a thug on the fast track to prison, just like so many other young black boys with absent fathers.
There was photographic and physical evidence proving he was trying to join a gang attempting to get street credentials by beating the shit out of a white person. Zimmerman gave him means, motive and opportunity to do so and he took his shot and lost. So yeah, he got what he deserved, and it had nothing to do with so-called white privilege.
Zimmerman wasn't the police and was instructed not to keep following Trayvon yet he did. Hopefully one day someone kills Zimmerman.
JFC! You're just like everyone else parroting this nonsense about the Martin case and the 911 dispatcher. A dispatcher is NOT a lawful authority. No one needs to do what a dispatcher tells them to do, or not to do. And Zimmerman did not follow Martin, Martin doubled back and came around the vehicle and sucker punched Zimmerman in the face, knocking him to the ground. He then commenced to whale on him, fist over fist, and smashing his hand against the curb. Zimmerman doesn't have to be a cop to be a neighborhood watchman. And everyone has a right to protect themselves, even if that means shooting a person with whom they fear might take their life or leave them mortally wounded. Again, Martin got what he deserved. End of story. 

God! Do you believe everything you are told about a serious case like that, or do you ever do your own research and learn the truth before making the same debunked leftist race-baiting talking points!!!?!!! Brown was NOT on his knees with his hands up. He literally attacked the officer for merely asking him to get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk. He tried to steal the officer's service pistol and throwing punches. In the final moments, Michael Brown started to run away but turned and charged at the officer and caused his own death. He was never on his knees, and he certainly did not have his hands up. The officer was already brutally assaulted by Brown who tried to take his pistol, all this after strongarm robbery of a store clerk over cigars (and yes, the officer did not know this), so in his mind, in any reasonable person's mind, Brown wasn't going to stop until the officer was mortally wounded or dead. The officer shot to save his life. End of story. It is the same story that the DOJ came to, as the evidence proved. You're delusional if you believe it went down any other way.
Apparently, you do believe everything you hear or are told about this case, from the factually INACCURATE side of the case that is. 
I have already debunked your assertions about this case, and I see no need to augment the FACTS that I have already presented. 
Your intellectual cowardice denialism of those facts is a personal problem, not my problem. Either be educated and do and know better or stay in denial (ignorance is bliss).

White boys have been shot and killed while holding a toy gun, an airsoft gun of all obvious toy guns, and there were no riots or public outcry over it either.
As I said, police who second guess themselves more often than not end up seriously injured (career ending kind), or dead (definitely career ending). If a kid doesn't listen or drop what's in their hands when a cop arrives on scene, well, that goes to bad parenting, and I blame them and not the cops.
The problem was that when the cops pulled up, they never said "freeze" or "drop your weapon" they automatically started shooting right as he pulled up within a span of two seconds. Has nothing to do with bad parenting, that was a officer who doesn't know how to do their job and was discriminating. How do you mistake a 12 year old for a 20 year old? What a joke.

Were you present at each case to know for a concrete fact that every single cop in each instance "never said 'freeze' or 'drop your weapon'"? That in each case each cop just opened their car door, pulled their service pistol, and just started popping rounds off!?!

Kids playing with toy guns that look/appear very realistic to others, walking around acting gangsta, putting fear into others hearts and minds given the black culture that condones and encourages such behaviors among those living in the hood, that realistic toy gun can also look real to a cop as well. And as I have cited, kids have no problem pulling the trigger on other kids as well as adults, especially the police. 

Until you go through the boot camp, academic training, Field Training, and put boots on the are in absolutely no position to question the split-second decisions cops have to make under potentially very dangerous circumstances. 

Not sure if you have ever seen commentary video by this black man, his channel is called The LFR Family, he and many others do great work in breaking down and unpacking a lot of things you would certainly question and likely deny as you are denying the realities of black privilege and the fact that white privilege does not exist. It is just another version of the infamous and bankrupt 'race card.' 

What this video by The LFR Family, listen to what both the young black men say in response to Elder and his interview discussing the black community and what the problems are and why blacks just shouldn't worry about white people, then provide some thoughtful feedback.

Devon's avatar
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Devon's avatar
Out of your whole paragraph, your response to my question of you even mentioning black supremacy after I asked you if it exists was, "Also, you do not get to skate on giving a clear and concise definition by shifting the goal posts to a red herring topic of black supremacy." You said it was a red herring, there was no answer. NOW you answered in your most recent response. You're saying black supremacy is real? I'm now done with this conversation. The delusion is real. I brought up black supremacy since black privilege and white privilege is the topic, so of course black supremacy would have something to do with black privilege. Now you're saying black supremacy is a thing, so I'm done here. Black privilege isn't real, it's something white people made up to move the goal post and not take responsibility for their privilege and that's my last time saying it. We won't ever come to an agreement so I'm just gonna drop it and agree to disagree. 

I do know history, a lot better than you do obviously. I have studied black American history for more than 25 years.
Congrats, you've studied history longer than I was probably even alive on earth, before I was even born. You're like twice my age. Good for you I'm so impressed. You deserve a gold medal. But since you're God and know every single inch of the earth and the galaxy, have you seen the documentary series called "Hidden colors"? followed by sequels 2, 3, 4 and 5 which I have seen and know about. Now that's REAL black history that I'm sure you know nothing about - unless you're familiar with it. Other than that, you aren't ready for that conversation.

So did Breonna Taylor reap what she sow? Did she deserve to be shot?

White men get away with no such thing. Stop trying to pull a rabbit out of that clearly empty hat of yours. You're all out of tricks. You need to cite facts to back of these patently ridiculous claims.
Roy Bryant and J.W. Milan got away with killing him. Same case with Zimmerman when it came to Trayvon. Stop trying to push these privileges on to these thugs, always giving them excuses.

JFC! You're just like everyone else parroting this nonsense about the Martin case and the 911 dispatcher. A dispatcher is NOT a lawful authority. No one needs to do what a dispatcher tells them to do, or not to do. And Zimmerman did not follow Martin, Martin doubled back and came around the vehicle and sucker punched Zimmerman in the face, knocking him to the ground. He then commenced to whale on him, fist over fist, and smashing his hand against the curb. Zimmerman doesn't have to be a cop to be a neighborhood watchman. And everyone has a right to protect themselves, even if that means shooting a person with whom they fear might take their life or leave them mortally wounded. Again, Martin got what he deserved. End of story.
Funny, you act as if you were there that night and know exactly what happened. Zimmerman was the aggressor and Trayvon was defending himself and true, Trayvon was beating his ass as he deserved. Sad that a grown ass men was getting beat up by a 17-year-old. Trayvon was scared for his life because some stranger was harassing him and attacked him FIRST. Trayvon was getting the best of him. Clearly Zimmerman was so much of a weak pussy that he had to resort to shooting him.

Were you present at each case to know for a concrete fact that every single cop in each instance "never said 'freeze' or 'drop your weapon'"? That in each case each cop just opened their car door, pulled their service pistol, and just started popping rounds off!?!
I'm referring to this specific case, not every case. Some cops do say freeze/drop your weapon but for Tamir Rice it was a split second. The person who called 911 said that the gun is probably fake.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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So, you're dropping the white and black privilege discussion because you [KNOW] you cannot prove me wrong.
Emotive obfuscation and subjective "my truth" =/= factually accurate information debunking all the actual factually accurate information that I have provided in support of my assertions, that there is no white privilege as you claim it to be, and black privilege is very much a reality. 
You could have just said you were at a position to just agree to disagree since you cannot refute my argued position(s) on white and black privilege. 

And in dropping the aforementioned subject matter, you now want to shift to white and black supremacy. Fine.

Define white supremacy. Define black supremacy. What, exactly, is the position you are claiming regarding both?

Merriam-Webster defined white supremacy as "
the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races."
That definition is basically the same in meaning as: racism. 
So 'white supremacy' is just a leftist made up term used in place of racism, or the race card.

Obviously, the definition of black supremacy would be the same, just switch out white with black and you have the same definition that - racist, racism.

Ran across this blog with an argument about the 7 major signs of black supremacy in today's context. Skimmed it, it is worth reading. I will go back and read it more thoroughly and give more feedback on it.

You still need to watch that video by The LFR Family that I provided at the end of my previous post. It is good and very much worth watching. 
Devon's avatar
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Devon's avatar
Well I'm saying it now, agree to disagree. Black supremacy does not exist...
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Well I'm saying it now, agree to disagree. Black supremacy does not exist...
Both black privilege and black supremacy exists. I’ve already proven it. More than once. Oh well, as the saying goes: 

Ignorance is bliss. 
TWS1405_2's avatar
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If anyone else who has been following and reading this exchange believes that they can debunk my position(s) on white privilege not existing, and black privilege existing present day (and as of late), feel free to jump in and give it your best shot.