YOU SAID IT ! absolutely RIGHT...
It's truly pathetic how some Church clown that attaches the word "preacher" to his/her identity is nothing more than a MIND and LIFE molesting con artist...these Parasite Vampires thrive off of their petty attempts to inspire others with Bible verse VOMIT and all manner of Church Diarrhea DOGMA.
The real intention is to HYPNOTIZE weak minded humans into their Church CULT and become another Church VOMITING and promoting sheeple drone..
The most prolific "GOD" vomiting criminals on EARTH are aligned with the 2 Middle East JESUS and ALLAH "God" invented hoaxes...The JESUS
Parasite vampires totally exploit this young Jewish guy who was set up by the JEWS to be executed by the ROMANS !
So here is this clown running around Ancient Jerusalem preaching that he is the Jewish MESSIAH returned to save humanity ! happens every day
globally..there is always some delusional BOZO claiming he/she is JESUS or talked to GOD and is a Prophet ! but in Ancient Jerusalem this BOZO
was not taken lightly by the PSYCHOTIC JEWS of the instead of ignoring the clown they set him up to be executed...JUST LIKE THEIR
10 commandments says ? Thou shalt NOT KILL....unless it is some FAKE GOD ACTOR ! (what a joke these Religious dogmas are)
So the boy "GOD" hoax...this is HOW THE JEWS VIEWED HIM.....a HOAX..a CHARLATAN..!...they had him EXECUTED !
and ROME ...which loves GRAND SPECTACLES complied...whipped-beaten-dragging his cross to the altar (pile of dirt) where he was nailed up to ROT....the JEWS were THRILLED...the boy "GOD" hoax is dead....blood on the ROMANS hands !
Then a twist of FATE...ROME resurrects the murdered boy and martyrs him into their "GOD" what a kick in the JEW CROTCH that was ! the JEWS
condemn the guy then conspire to have him MURDERED...a FAKE MESSIAH they shout....kill the heretic ! and now JESUS is declared as the only
"GOD that matters by Emperor Constantine 300 years after his MURDER !
Ever since JESUS has been ripped apart by the Parasite Vampires of so many different CHURCH spins that abuse his name for their PROFIT and one agrees on the poor boy GOD beaten and nailed to a cross...NO MATTER...for MONEY-POWER-CONTROL these con artist scum
will do and say anything to get idiot weak minded humans to PAY and PRAY for their SALVATION ! what a SCAM !
and so it continues with the VAMPIRE that claims he/she is part of an HONEST TRUE CHURCH ! none of these Parasite vampire organizations could give a crap about JESUS...they want MONEY-POWER-CONTROL and to enslave as many stupid people they can into their CULTS to serve them...NOT SOME Jewish kid set up to be MURDERED by his own people !
The other "GOD" hoax from the Middle East is ALLAH...who has his own Moses meet "GOD" knockoff story...when some wandering illiterate Tribal guy (MUHAMMAD) has hid meetup with "GOD" no not JESUS...not the Moses JEW GOD...but his very own version "ALLAH" and soon after ISLAM
is created along with their Comic Book garbage "KORAN" to MURDER and ASSIMILATE weak minded humans into some slave CULT...
No other GOD inventors beyond the Middle East go on MURDEROUS CRUSADES destroying Cultures and slaughtering countless humans for not
accepting their idiot GOD hoax and worse the PSYCHOTIC DOGMA they attached to their GOD hoax...
POINT = this Church BOZO is HYPNOTIZED beyond the ability to think and reason independently...all he/she is capable of is repetition of the same Bible verse VOMIT or statements that point to the CHURCH is all you need..PROOF of the BRAINWASHING the CHURCH CULT VAMPIRES have done to this FORMER HUMAN turned dumbed down sheeple drone ZOMBIE !