Did Biden turn them in voluntarily, or did the FBI have to obtain a court approved search warrant to get them back?
Doesn't matter since it was merely a defensive move to avoid being caught in double standards
Let's start by reiterating that the central claim here is that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are being treated unequally by the DOJ.
So with that said, Yes, it absolutely matters.
The law doesn't go after people nearly as hard for making a mistake, and for good reason. This is like arguing that the guy who stuffs a bunch of items down his pants, gets to the door and sets of the alarm, then takes off when security tries to stop him should be treated the same as the guy who gets to his car, realizes he had an item in his cart that was not paid for, then goes back inside to give it back.
They're not the same.
Did Biden lie the FBI telling them he didn't have the documents knowing full well he did?
Biden lies about quite a few things.
That's a no.
If he ever talked to the FBI in an adversarial sense I'm sure he would lie
Your hypothetical predictions are not relevant.
Did Biden order the documents he was retaining to be moved from one location to another to avoid the FBI finding them?
He would hardly need to
Again, that's a no
And if you think the answer to any of these questions is yes, does anyone, anywhere, have any evidence of this?
The answer is: I don't care.
Well I hate to break it to you but the DOJ does. It's kind of the defining trait of a just system, which judging by your response you really don't seem to care about, which is kind of an odd thing considering that your entire point here seems to be railing against the DOJ for being unjust.
Oh, so your theory is that these so called differences are why one was charged but not the other.
They're not "so called" differences, they're the literal charges against Trump which Biden has not committed.
Well, in your theory; what is the explanation for why nobody asked for Biden's documents
Could be a number of reasons. For one Biden was found to have about a dozen or so, Trump had over a hundred. Trump also had top secret nuclear documents, Biden's were no where near that serious.
Is there a mountain of circumstantial evidence that Biden is the type who would sell classified material to the highest bidder?
No, and irrelevant. While many speculate, the DOJ is not charging Trump with attempting to sell US secrets.
...until shortly after they started pretending it was a crime to keep documents after leaving office?
Right, back to this.
So despite me listing numerous obvious differences between the two scenarios, and you having no response to them except hypothetical examples where you believe Biden would have done the same thing, you still maintain that Trump's charges are the product of weaponized double standards by the DOJ and not because the actions of these two men were polar opposites in almost every way that matters.
But like you suggested, who cares about evidence right?
If you're going to hand waive away every single difference them of course what remains will be the same. There's nothing impressive nor virtuous about closing your eyes and ignoring reality.