Yes, there is definitely that possible aspect. In VP Harris’ case, I think it was a staffer who found that controversial excerpt from a 200+ page document in Florida and said, “Hey, I got something here on DeSantis!” Then it just snowballed from there. Yeah, 2 lines from a 200+ page rubric. And it is a framework, not the exact, verbatim wording which must be regurgitated in the classroom. And the writers of the rubric are alive and available for further insight. How’s that for context?
I looked at the document thinking, “Wow, this is waaay more education on slavery and the slave trade than I received, and I received what is considered a pretty high standard of education in California. Some will see those 2 lines and only those 2 lines, thinking “Why, this is a whitewashing of the entire history of slavery!” I look at them and think, “Well, yes— better to be a skilled, highly valued slave than an expendable field hand who can be beaten like a rented mule.” It’s a good lesson for anyone’s working life, really.