Two hemi-spheres of brain is most complex consciousness we know of with female woman X x being more complex that man X y in two ways.
So we have two-ness of hemi-sheres and we have two-ness of the most simple element of Universe, the Spirit-2, hydrogen atom i..e proton { p } >>> <<< electron { e } via a third aspect the electro-magnetic charge between those two. 0 > +++ > < +++ < 0 wherein +++ = the precessed { at 90 degrees to each other two sine-waves } electro-magnetic photons.
However, Gravity has to be included in this latter set of threen-ness ergo, the following iconi-graphic includes Gravity ( )
(e) > +++ > <+++ <(p) ergo a four-ness. However, if we see this four-ness as one version of a minimal set, there is still one aspect that is being not included and that is the back-ground { fifth-ness } that has to be considered also. So here is the background as dots........
.....(o) > +++ > < +++ <(o)...... and that may not be the best way to present them, yet it does cover the basic set of five-ness in regards to simplest element of Universe, hydrogen.
Perhaps the electro-magnetics field { Spirit-2 } should be presented another way.
.....( + e + )> > < < <( + p + )..... yes I like this presentation better as the EMR field surrround electron { e } and proton { p }, howver, we have to consider that, the proton is composed of three quarks { 000 } so it may be better to present the following way
.....( + e + ) >>> <<<( + 000 + )...... ha has, it appears were doing texticonic formulaic presentation and now I count six significant aspects:
quarks { ooo } ---occupied space Spirit-2---- tho since three of them maybe we should say 7 aspects of wholistic consideration
electron { e } , ---occupied space Spirit-2---
EMR charge { photons } ---occupied space Spirit-2---
Gravity ( ) --occupied space Spirit-3
background and we say truly non-occupied space ergo spirit-less as that which exists outside of our finite, occupied space Universe
Again, putting aside any other parts of occupied space Universe and only considering hydrogen existence, we have at minimum 7 aspects to complete { most wholistic } consideration. Yes? No?
Well based on my cosmic explorations via numerical pattern, I would say that we should include in Spirit-4 Dark Energy )( as in saying, that, Dark Energy and Gravity are two sides of the same coin, and cannot exist alone, even as the scale of a single simple element like hydrogen ergo, 8 is would be the minimal set in this above scenario. Understand?