And that I always pay attention when crossing the road.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the armadillo how to do it with out getting run over. joke works with possums and skunks also.
To show the armadillo how to do it with out getting run over. joke works with possums and skunks also.
.." Their lifespan ranges from 4 to 30 years, depending on the species. " Depending on how close they live to a highway.
Ive never hit a deer, however, few months back a younger deer hit the the lower back passenger door behind my driver seat. I heard thump, finally saw the deer in my sideview mirror, standing there looking at me as Im driving away. They were probably dazed and confused.
My wife has hit deer with car, totaled it and called me 9PM to come bring her home. I got there as tow truck was loading her car.
My wife also hit a tree and totaled her car.
She also hit pile of lumber that fell off a truck, and her and car drove off embankment the flew through the air to land in bushes the cushioned her landing. The tow truck pulled her car out of bushes and she drove it home with only some scratches. Very lucky with that one and the others.
She was also in head on collision tho she was in passenger seat, and only some minor bruising.
Autistic people often cannot drive, --or too scared to drive-- at least that is my understanding. I dunno. Many varied states of mental division.