In a brief summary.
The argument is that a form ofnational debt started the civil war as states began to print their own money.Looking back at the start of the Gold and Silver Standard, not all states hadgold or silver mines. Most states in America who had gold deposits had beenbought from Nations like Spain and France using Federal purchasing powers. TheGold and sivler by mineral rights was the property of the Federal Government and was soonused as a standard of collateral. At or during the times shortly before theCivil war credit was printted money the paper issued by state was an easy credit process andplaces credit in the hands of people in an economy in a theoretical sense only.The promise of money is then spent based on people that do not have a historyof supporting the rating they are assigned by spending formulated elsewhere inan economy.
For the sake of simplicity, Iwill not go over details of how Wars between Nations on the continent of Africabetween English, German, French, and Spanish plaid into the hands ofprivateers. Placing POW in the hands of private citizens, some by investinglimited funds and others using finance banking loans affected credit during thetimes before the Civil War. Not disagreeing about bad and poor overall treatmentsof military forces held captive in private hands. Only that it is an argumentworthy of its own focus. This all just another example of adequate or inadequatePresidential abilities to leadership of American United States Constitutionalrights