You removed prayer and the bible from public schools
No such thing has occurred. Holy books and prayer are not prohibited from schools. You've never actually thought about this narrative you've been fed, huh? I can't say much I guess...I did the same for a long time.
demanding religious separation since it would demand one's morality to be swayed, but now our children are being feed a bunch of moral junk under the guise of "inclusion".
Religious freedom is hindered by a government advocating religious views. Religious freedom and religious privilege are not the same thing, friend.
live and let live
Live and let live so long as you don't have to hear about it, eh?
The truth hurts.and then treat us as if we are children, needing the left's ideas to help nanny us "deplorables".
Listen, I'm just saying that someone rejecting evolutionary theory, a more complete understanding of human sexuality, or accurate history is going to inevitably qualify for one or more of the categories your complained about: uneducated, bigot, or racist.