Republican terrorists vote to censure Schiff for speaking his truth.
Here is the Wapo article in case you find NPR too radically right a source.
Civil war? No - not yet anyway. This highlights Republican (extremists) disconnect from reality. The next election will (hopefully) reveal this as a campaign against thenselves.
This highlights Republican (extremists)
Agree, half the country is way too extreme.
Agree, half the country is way too extreme.
i mean one half is responsible for an attack on the capitol in an attempt to overturn an election by force. So it's pretty clear which half it is.
I would agree that civil war is looming. America is becoming very extreme on both sides. It is a huge tinder box right now and all it needs a little spark to blow it up. I still think the "uni-party" are the ones who are creating this on purpose. They need us divided, so they can conquer.
America is becoming very extreme on both sides.
Meh. One side has definitely crossed the line. The 'other side' shouldn't be part of this conversation.
The 'other side' shouldn't be part of this conversation.
It always takes 2 to tango. They are kinda adding gas to the fire sometimes.
The end of the USA came about when H L Mencken's prediction came true.
"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron."
It always takes 2 to tango. They are kinda adding gas to the fire sometimes.
I'm curious what you deem 'gas to the fire'?
Here is what the ARTICLE YOU CITED said ..."The resolution claims Schiff misled the American public over the course of congressional investigations into the Trump campaign's potential ties to Russia, given that other probes have not found conclusive evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election." ( emphasis mine )
Also there is no such thing as "his truth".
You mean as corruption is perfected, we get presidents worse than Biden.
A narcissistic moron would be an upgrade at this point.
Civil war.
Meh. One side has definitely crossed the line. The 'other side' shouldn't be part of this conversation.
Regardless of whose side you are on, do you not think that one side wouldn't feel threatened if the other did not cross lines?
My point is, there are opposing views so dynamic that one cannot co-exist with the other. One side will have to be eliminated in order for the other to exist. We, America, have become so far divided from each other that violent protests have been started on each end. How long until those protests turn militant since one side refuses to hear the other? So far, each side is just cramming their views down each other's throat. Though, being conservative, it looks as if the progressive side are the ones crossing lines since their view seems to be anti-conservatism and pulling away from the core beliefs of America and pushing such odd ideas.
Civil war.
That doesn't answer the question. How has the left been inappropriately antagonizing the right?
Does anybody know where I can get any of the missing Russian suitcase nuclear bombs?
Ask Schiff, he is an expert on all Russian matters.
What would be "appropriately antagonizing?"
You're making excuses for extremists. It wasn't the left that allowed abuses of power to sidestep accountability. It wasn't the left that instigated an attack on the Capitol building in an effort to overturn election. It isn't the left pushing legislation at national and state level seeking to limit religious liberty, voting rights, reproductive freedom, Etc. Etc. Etc.
If the choice is tolerate the intolerable or fight, then yah, there's going to be a fight. I still see reason for optimism though. Culture wars can only distract from so much. Cooler heads will prevail methinks. The last few elections have not gone according to historical trends, and I think this hints people are waking up to what's going on around them.
If the choice is tolerate the intolerable or fight, then yah, there's going to be a fight. I still see reason for optimism though. Culture wars can only distract from so much. Cooler heads will prevail methinks. The last few elections have not gone according to historical trends, and I think this hints people are waking up to what's going on around them.
Wouldn't it be quicker just to ask ponikshiy?
What would be "appropriately antagonizing?"Accountability and equality are met with hostility by abusers and oppressors. Do you believe calling out abuse and pushing for inclusivity is 'throwing gas on the fire'?
You're making excuses for extremists.
Extremists only on the right? Are you saying that the left has no extremists and that the right has only brain-washed, mindless zombies full of hate and racism?
The fact that the left pushed issues such as abortion, gay marriage, trans-gender rights, evolution in schools, etc etc, makes the left the instigator. We never wanted any of these things and yet the left shoved it down our throats through legislation and if we spoke up about it, we were bigots or racist or uneducated or didn't believe in some sort of made up science. The left pushed the lines on morality for everything. We always said "to each his own" on all these issues but now my children will be taught that it's okay to be gay in a pubic school. Tell me how this is not instigating your views to my children?
The left destroys the fabric of America by their outrageous views that are clearly not rooted in science or for the good of the people or country. They are clearly done to shove into the face of conservative people who believe in God.
Accountability and equality are met with hostility by abusers and oppressors...pushing...
So civil war. Never back down from terrorists and never appease.
The fact that the left pushed issues such as abortion, gay marriage, trans-gender rights, evolution in schools, etc etc, makes the left the instigator. We never wanted any of these things and yet the left shoved it down our throats through legislation and if we spoke up about it, we were bigots or racist or uneducated or didn't believe in some sort of made up science.
The truth hurts.
We always said "to each his own" on all these issues but now my children will be taught that it's okay to be gay in a pubic school. Tell me how this is not instigating your views to my children?
Its not "my views". It is a better and more complete understanding of human nature. Isn't it the right that like to say 'facts don't care about feelings'?
So civil war.
You're entitled to your opinion. I'm optimistic though.
The truth hurts.
and then treat us as if we are children, needing the left's ideas to help nanny us "deplorables".
It is a better and more complete understanding of human nature. Isn't it the right that like to say 'facts don't care about feelings'?
If you knew anything about human nature, you would understand that humans are selfish and will do nearly anything to get their way.
You removed prayer and the bible from public schools, demanding religious separation since it would demand one's morality to be swayed, but now our children are being feed a bunch of moral junk under the guise of "inclusion". Did you not cross a line?
We wanted a "live and let live" moral code that you broke apart and now legislatively demand I follow your own ideas of "progress". Is this not aggression?
You cant be optimistic with "appropriate antagonizing"
You don't mind civil war as long as your side wins. Admit it.
You mean as corruption is perfected, we get presidents worse than Biden.
Biden is not corrupt. Trump is an example of a corrupt politician. Biden is not under investigation. Trump has been indicted, convicted, and is under serious investigation for several crimes. His company was found guilty of tax evasion. He and his children are banned from running a charity. He paid out 20 million for fraud at Trump University. The Mueller report did not exonerate him from the charge of obstruction. Trump is corrupt. Not Biden.
Biden is not under investigation.
Neither is Maduro, Zelensky, Xi xin ping, or Putin. What's the point. You can't call an administration corrupt if the administration allows investigations...