You keep calling me a 2nd-class woman. I am worthy of respect, and I demand it. A 2nd-class woman is a woman who is not worthy of respect, such as a prostituting whore. I have done nothing to be called this, and I will not tolerate that crap. Do not insult me like that, and refer to me as something so low.
You’re literally the definition of a pseduo-Christian. You’re a liberal, which contradicts the Bible like I stated, and you’re like the pharisees. You’re presenting yourself as perfect, and look down upon people who challenge you. Didn’t Jesus tell them they weren’t born again, D. Thomas? Correcting someone, like I’ve stated again and again does not make me some disgusting slut or a revolting, stupid female. Do you need me to mention Deborah again? I could give you other examples of female figures that didn’t blindly submit in the Bible, like Esther? She defied her king and went into the throne room uninvited, to save her people.
How in the hell am I being seductive? And if I was folly, I wouldn’t know anything of the Bible like I do. Of course I don’t know many things, but I have a basic understanding and am still learning, unlike how you seem to be. My rightful place? Who are you even talking to? Are you showing these debates to some people in a church? If so, I hope they see how a 13 year old is schooling your dumbass, lmao.