I believe that there are three states of being consisting of negative, neutral, and positive; It is quite similar to the laws of electrical engineering. A person moves from the negative to the neutral because they dislike the negative circumstance, they can also move from the neutral to the positive because they like the positive.I think what you're saying about the moving from neutral to positive could be theoretically correct, it's just never correct in regards to goals.Relating to goals, if a person puts no work into their goal, I do not believe they should be disappointed they have not achieved it, but I also believe that they should not be glad they have not achieved it. This is because nothing has been put in, and nothing has been given, I consider this a neutral state. Would you agree?No, because people don't make goals in order to not achieve them. People make goals in order to, in their eyes, improve their life. When people realize that they're not improving their lives, or when they experience real world repercussions for not achieving their goal, more negative affect is produced.Being in a state with unfulfilled goals produces negative affect, however small it is.I believe the negative experience from not improving one's life is mainly due to the expectation of the individual. For many individuals improving one's life has been indoctrinated since birth and therefore the negative experience is still due to the mental state or expectation of the individual.I think it's safe to say that this "expectation" is a product of a human's desire. Thus, due to desire producing negative affect, and humans naturally desiring, it can be said that human life naturally produces negative affect.Yes, negative effect is a naturally occurring emotion produced by human life. Although, I don't quite see a correlation between expectation and desire.
I'm not arguing for correlation. I'm argument that expectation naturally follows from desire. You desire something and then there's various levels of expectation that
can result. If you think it's likely and easily obtainable, your expectation for it is high. If you think that's it's unlikely and difficult to obtain, your expectation is far lower. That's where and how expectation is generated.
I apologize if I did not receive the explanation you expressed (thoroughly) as you would have liked, as it still makes more sense to me that there is a neutral state of being. Therefore, I still view this desire as a neutral state of being that has the potential to go from neutral to either a negative or positive state of being.
Desire isn't a neutral state.
Let's take an extreme example so that we can see the value clearly: if a person lived in a state of desire their entire lives, they'd be seriously unhappy that they never fulfilled that desire. From this extreme example, we can see that desire produces negative affect, and so for less extreme examples, it will produce less extreme negative affect.