When and where did they attack you.
In various ways through anti-White rhetoric. It's certainly not obvious or incessant, but it occurs frequently enough to be an issue.
I cycled across the USA a few years back and never met an unfriendly person of any colour.
Anecdotes are not suitable replacements for arguments.
And their aggression is underpinned by their conditioning
Racial in-group bias is innate. It has to be drummed out of children at school and reinforced with propaganda constantly to be stunted, and even then that doesn't work on everyone (it mainly works on White people, particularly cause-driven Liberals).
As is your desire for Planet Monotone.....And your fear of perceivable differences.....And your fear of change.
Humans haven't changed a great deal in the past 10,000 years. They certainly haven't evolved past racial in-group biases.
"Perceivable differences" run as deep as genetics. They're not merely decorations; they literally drive behavior and life outcomes.