Blacks far more likely to commit crimes against Whites and Hispanics than the inverse

Author: Kaitlyn


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hey-yo's avatar
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hey-yo's avatar
1. Comparing breathing to poverty is like comparing apples to oranges. There is more similarity in comparing breathing to skin tone because they are conditions we do not control. 

Our bodies develop to breath and develop to have malatone based on genetics. Although we can be born into poverty,  we can navigate/escape poverty.  

What else seems to be missed is that I am sayin poverty/being poor is a cause because a person decides they need to commit crimes to navigate/escape poverty. 

Studies that look at percentages does not determine a person's decision. Only their demographics. Im not basing my position on percentages but real interviews and surveys. 

In contrast, the evidence you provided comes to a brick wall because you use demograpics. Demographics that also indicate that "blacks" and "hispanics" have higher percentages in poverty. Some how we are to forget or ingore this but assume that the mere presence in demographics demonstrates genetics as a cause. 

We can easliy reference social darwinism and how it failed to demonstrate that genetics is a causation. 

I think your big issue is that you assume all people have good justification for their actions. 
I never said poverty is a justification for crime. I look at it like alcoholism. Treat alcoholism and then other issues can be addressed. Treat poverty and other issues can be addressed. If these things are not treated, then you will not prevent the abusive husband from being abusive and you won't prevent the poor kid from going to jail. 

Does everyone who drinks alcohol or is an alcoholic develop abusive behaviors? No. But for the person who is abusive needs to address the alcoholism. Same for poverty. The poor person stealing has a greater need to steal. Decrease the need first and that person will have an easier time navigating life, staying out of jail, etc. 

2B I dont have the survey because no one makes the survey. I also have a limit to time that allows navigating world wide web. Last night I got 4 hrs sleep to hold my kid to sleep because they have been sick. Life happens. This is an online forum. Everybody gets it. 

But, anyone can argue your evidence is doing same as you blame me. Morphing correlation into a cause. I prefer a different route since most have already said it. 

White people owe us this', rather than extensive, valid, desperate reasons about their dire poverty requiring drastic measures.
You express a person's thought. Same as I do in point 1 above. 

You also highlight a people and "their dire poverty." Somehow these people are in poverty and are in your demographics but we again are to ignore their poverty? 

3.   Genetics
They can say it was x or y, but I doubt any of them will factor in their genetic makeup into their explanation
Thats because social darwinism has already been debunked. 

 This is a negative proof fallacy. It's not logically valid.
Thats ok.  This thread is not based on validity. That doesnt make a claim untrue though. Correct? 
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
1. Comparing breathing to poverty is like comparing apples to oranges. There is more similarity in comparing breathing to skin tone because they are conditions we do not control. 

Our bodies develop to breath and develop to have malatone based on genetics. Although we can be born into poverty,  we can navigate/escape poverty.  
The point I made was that 100% correlation (e.g. breathing) can come from something that doesn't at all cause the outcome (e.g. crime). So, even if poverty was highly correlated to crime (it's not), that wouldn't necessarily be meaningful unless causation was shown.

I did not compare breathing to poverty. I don't know where you got that from.

What else seems to be missed is that I am sayin poverty/being poor is a cause because a person decides they need to commit crimes to navigate/escape poverty. 
Again, a lot of people who are committing crimes aren't deciding so after thesis-levels of thought. Criminals are typically low I.Q. and impulsive, and so a lot of crime is little more than a rash, thoughtless act. They see unoccupied belongings, and they take the unoccupied belongings. Someone accidentally steps on their shoes, and they're already swinging.

The people, who are poor and able to think long-term to plan, are mostly capable of escaping poverty without crime. 

What you are describing is a vanishingly small group of people -- it is nowhere near the mean.

Studies that look at percentages does not determine a person's decision. Only their demographics. Im not basing my position on percentages but real interviews and surveys. 
Percentages found in studies are usually superior because they control for variables and have far larger sample sizes (typically). More importantly, they strike at what people actually do, rather than what they say they do (and why).

The issue with surveys and interviews in this scenario is that they do not specifically test for genetics. This is a problem because the reason a lot of criminals commit crimes is because of low I.Q. and impulsiveness, of which people are going to struggle to articulate. Their thoughtless reasoning may indicate their poor genetics, but taking literal interpretations of interviews/surveys will only give you surface level (wrong) answers.

For example, someone might say, "I stole those groceries from Walmart because I need to feed my family," but what they can't/won't tell you is that they have borderline personality disorder, an addiction to theft they developed from the age of 14, and a TikTok account in which they post dares of them stealing stuff. An objective, statistical analysis doesn't require people to be totally honest and candid with you, hence why it is superior.

In contrast, the evidence you provided comes to a brick wall because you use demograpics. Demographics that also indicate that "blacks" and "hispanics" have higher percentages in poverty. Some how we are to forget or ingore this but assume that the mere presence in demographics demonstrates genetics as a cause. 
It can't be a "brick wall" if these demographics are some of the best predictors of crime. 

Unless you believe that all racial groups are precisely the same genetically (wtf), different racial groups have different clusters of genetics. We should expect different outcomes in societal achievement partly due to these genetic differences. When we control for relevant environmental effects (something you can't do in surveys or interviews), we find that race is an excellent predictor of crime -- that's how genetic cause is demonstrated (no assumptions involved).

I think your big issue is that you assume all people have good justification for their actions. 
I never said poverty is a justification for crime. I look at it like alcoholism. Treat alcoholism and then other issues can be addressed. Treat poverty and other issues can be addressed. If these things are not treated, then you will not prevent the abusive husband from being abusive and you won't prevent the poor kid from going to jail. 

Does everyone who drinks alcohol or is an alcoholic develop abusive behaviors? No. But for the person who is abusive needs to address the alcoholism. Same for poverty. The poor person stealing has a greater need to steal. Decrease the need first and that person will have an easier time navigating life, staying out of jail, etc. 
I'm not accusing you of saying that poverty is objectively a justification for crime. I'm saying that you seem to think that people have justifications for their actions. Sometimes, people do things because they feel like it without any prior thought. What we would consider an impulsive reaction is how some people make decisions.

The issue with treating poverty is that genetics are partly responsible for it. Some people aren't ever going to be self-sustaining financially, regardless of how much money or help you throw at them. When you have 75 I.Q. and can't even operate a toaster, holding any kind of job becomes a seriously difficult task. Add in impulsivity, and the chance of them succeeding is virtually 0%.

But I want to be super clear with your stance: do you believe that there is no genetic cause (even partial) for poverty at all?

I dont have the survey because no one makes the survey. 
They can't make the survey because it isn't true.

It's a shame because if you could do a survey (and allow open-ended questions), I think you'd see how bad some people's reasons are for committing crimes. 

But, anyone can argue your evidence is doing same as you blame me.
You can't because some of my studies are showing some degree of causation, either through variable control or genetic cluster analysis.

White people owe us this', rather than extensive, valid, desperate reasons about their dire poverty requiring drastic measures.
You express a person's thought. Same as I do in point 1 above. 

You also highlight a people and "their dire poverty." Somehow these people are in poverty and are in your demographics but we again are to ignore their poverty? 
I'm talking at length about their poverty -- certainly not ignoring it.

What I'm suggesting is that some people's genetics don't allow them to function well in society. Some people's genetic make them stupid and impulsive, of which negatively predict financial success. Different racial groups have different levels of stupidity and impulsivity, so we should expect different outcomes that really can't be fixed.

They can say it was x or y, but I doubt any of them will factor in their genetic makeup into their explanation
Thats because social darwinism has already been debunked. 
Are you saying that humans were not subjected to evolution?

 This is a negative proof fallacy. It's not logically valid.
Thats ok.  This thread is not based on validity. That doesnt make a claim untrue though. Correct? 
It's not okay. Your argument is logically invalid. That's the opposite of okay lol.

It makes it untrue. An invalid argument is untrue.

hey-yo's avatar
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hey-yo's avatar
The point I made was that 100% correlation (e.g. breathing) can come from something that doesn't at all cause the outcome (e.g. crime). So, even if poverty was highly correlated to crime (it's not), that wouldn't necessarily be meaningful unless causation was shown.
I agree. Same is true for skin colour or pigmentation or culture or heritage. 

Criminals are typically low I.Q. and impulsive, and so a lot of crime is little more than a rash, thoughtless act. 
And some would say the same for those in poverty. They pertain a low I.Q., impulsive, etc. 

What you are describing is a vanishingly small group of people -- it is nowhere near the mean.
I respectufly disagree. I came to a different conclusion years ago based on varied evidences from research done at universities and recorded/produced by public broadcast station(s) by contributions from viewers like you. There are several other articles and the such about the such as well.  Perchance it is a bias to overcome but for now I see no evidence to conclude otherwise. 

Their thoughtless reasoning may indicate their poor genetics, but taking literal interpretations of interviews/surveys will only give you surface level (wrong) answers.
If a person is thoughtless, they woud not be able to forumalte a response.  Kids do it all the time. 

" Why did you kick Joe?"
"I dont know.".

This is a biological occurance because low brain development. We see it in kids, who would have a low IQ but more importantly low brain functionality. Kids cant always comprehend the whys and therefore can not explain them. 

Same for adults who for one reason or another are unable to convey why. 

What demographics are known to have low iq? 

"People of color" 

Im sure that is a legitament response for you but lets try this. What monetary (money related) demographics is associated  with a low IQ?  

The poor. 

Low to no schooling. Low to no intervention or assistence. Etc. Etc. 

Some how each point to be made from your position still points to poverty or poor. 

An objective, statistical analysis doesn't require people to be totally honest and candid with you, hence why it is superior.
Statistical analysis doesnt go into why a person does x. 

Unless you believe that all racial groups are precisely the same genetically (wtf), different racial groups have different clusters of genetics. We should expect different outcomes in societal achievement partly due to these genetic differences. When we control for relevant environmental effects (something you can't do in surveys or interviews), we find that race is an excellent predictor of crime -- that's how genetic cause is demonstrated (no assumptions involved).
Again this points to social darwinism.  Thats been debunked already.  No biology or science accepts it. 

Also, the predictor in crime is based on stitics in who is being arrested. Blacks and hispanics are more likely to be wrongfully arrested and accused. Stats in one area will not determine or seperate errors in another. 

But I want to be super clear with your stance: do you believe that there is no genetic cause (even partial) for poverty at all?
I'd say partial because of disabilities like autism or cerebal palsey where our society has not adapted to include these individuals or they are not able to adapt to society. These mental and physical diseases occur among all "races" and are not restricted to a single race. However we do see more people suffer from these diseases while in poverty because they do not have resources for clean safe water, or food, or environment in some manner. 

Which again circles us to nurture over nature for my position. 

You can't because some of my studies are showing some degree of causation, either through variable control or genetic cluster analysis.
I havent seen it. 

What I'm suggesting is that some people's genetics don't allow them to function well in society. Some people's genetic make them stupid and impulsive, of which negatively predict financial success.
That seems to be sociopaths and psycopaths or some other minority group that is not affected by malatone. 

Are you saying that humans were not subjected to evolution?
Im saying social darwinism doesnt explain the factual presence and affect seen in evolution for humans. Our skin tone is a genetic resource for surviving in areas where there is more sun, compared to areas where there is less sun. This (our skin) has nothing to do with nor does it affect our behavior or thought patterns. 

In contrast, the lack of vitamin D from the sun or in general does affect our behavior and mood. Hm... 

It makes it untrue. An invalid argument is untrue.
No. Look at logic. An invalid arguement means the premises that lead to the conclusion do not lead to the conclusion. I can still have a claim or conclusion that is factual/true but come to that conclusion in error. 
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Criminals are typically low I.Q. and impulsive, and so a lot of crime is little more than a rash, thoughtless act. 
And some would say the same for those in poverty. They pertain a low I.Q., impulsive, etc. 
Do you think the poverty is causing low intelligence and rashness?

Do you think it's impossible that any of the poverty could be explained by low intelligence or impulsiveness?

What you are describing is a vanishingly small group of people -- it is nowhere near the mean.
I respectufly disagree. I came to a different conclusion years ago based on varied evidences from research done at universities and recorded/produced by public broadcast station(s) by contributions from viewers like you. There are several other articles and the such about the such as well.  Perchance it is a bias to overcome but for now I see no evidence to conclude otherwise. 
I don't understand how you can say "research done" and not cite any of it at all. If the researched convinced you, why are you not posting it?

Even then, what do you disagree with exactly? Do you think that most criminals are highly intelligent and careful planners? Is that your disagreement?

If a person is thoughtless, they woud not be able to forumalte a response.  Kids do it all the time. 

" Why did you kick Joe?"
"I dont know.".

This is a biological occurance because low brain development. We see it in kids, who would have a low IQ but more importantly low brain functionality. Kids cant always comprehend the whys and therefore can not explain them. 

Same for adults who for one reason or another are unable to convey why. 

What demographics are known to have low iq? 

"People of color" 

Im sure that is a legitament response for you
Yes. We're on the same page.

but lets try this. What monetary (money related) demographics is associated  with a low IQ?  

The poor. 

Low to no schooling. Low to no intervention or assistence. Etc. Etc. 
Sitting in a classroom and being a good student doesn't make you intelligent; it makes you educated.

Intelligence has some environmental component but it's mostly genetic (roughly 80% of intelligence is explained by genetics). Even with "intervention" or "assistance", you're only going to maximize that 20% part which is explained by environment. Since 1st world countries are already pretty much maxed on the environment, you're not going to help people of color close the gap with further intervention or assistance. 

We can very clearly see the effect of the 80% in things like voucher studies and results of early intervention programs School Quality as a Cause of Racial IQ Gaps – The Alternative Hypothesis ( 

An objective, statistical analysis doesn't require people to be totally honest and candid with you, hence why it is superior.
Statistical analysis doesnt go into why a person does x. 
If the results are better and more accurate, then we don't need to go into this.

Unless you believe that all racial groups are precisely the same genetically (wtf), different racial groups have different clusters of genetics. We should expect different outcomes in societal achievement partly due to these genetic differences. When we control for relevant environmental effects (something you can't do in surveys or interviews), we find that race is an excellent predictor of crime -- that's how genetic cause is demonstrated (no assumptions involved).
Again this points to social darwinism.  Thats been debunked already.  No biology or science accepts it. 
So, 100% of human behavior is environmental? Is that your stance?

Also, the predictor in crime is based on stitics in who is being arrested. Blacks and hispanics are more likely to be wrongfully arrested and accused. Stats in one area will not determine or seperate errors in another. 
Some of the prediction is based on that. There's no credible evidence to suggest Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be wrongfully arrested and accused. If you think otherwise, post it.

Other predictions are based on genetic clustering.

Other predications are based on the hormonal aspect of skin color and how that is related to aggression, or increased testosterone levels resulting in more violence.

But I want to be super clear with your stance: do you believe that there is no genetic cause (even partial) for poverty at all?
I'd say partial because of disabilities like autism or cerebal palsey where our society has not adapted to include these individuals or they are not able to adapt to society. These mental and physical diseases occur among all "races" and are not restricted to a single race. However we do see more people suffer from these diseases while in poverty because they do not have resources for clean safe water, or food, or environment in some manner. 

Which again circles us to nurture over nature for my position. 
Okay, so you think that the only genetic cause for poverty are disabilities?

You think the genetic aspect of intelligence has nothing to do with it?

You think the genetic aspect of impulsivity has nothing to do with it?

You can't because some of my studies are showing some degree of causation, either through variable control or genetic cluster analysis.
I havent seen it. 
You can click the links to see the studies (some of them show causation): Blacks far more likely to commit crimes against Whites and Hispanics than the inverse (

What I'm suggesting is that some people's genetics don't allow them to function well in society. Some people's genetic make them stupid and impulsive, of which negatively predict financial success.
That seems to be sociopaths and psycopaths or some other minority group that is not affected by malatone. 
You understand that skin produces hormones, right? You understand that hormones can effect human behavior, right?

Are you saying that humans were not subjected to evolution?
Im saying social darwinism doesnt explain the factual presence and affect seen in evolution for humans. Our skin tone is a genetic resource for surviving in areas where there is more sun, compared to areas where there is less sun. This (our skin) has nothing to do with nor does it affect our behavior or thought patterns. 

the lack of vitamin D from the sun or in general does affect our behavior and mood. 

hey-yo's avatar
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hey-yo's avatar
Do you think the poverty is causing low intelligence and rashness?

Do you think it's impossible that any of the poverty could be explained by low intelligence or impulsiveness?
111   Poverty, among other factors, prevents adequate resources for education in the U.S. Along with other areas. 

Many schools depend on property taxes (in us. ) Which are determined by property value. A poor area will house a poor school which is not able to sustain positive environment because a) low resources b) other factors. 

Fr second question, are we talking individual or geoup? Group is based more on external factors. Individual may be in poverty because they are not able to have high enough paying job due to low IQ.

Payment level has always been based on skill and education.  Higher education can expect to see higher pay. However, there is nothing that indicates an entire race will inherently have lower IQ than another race. 

I don't understand how you can say "research done" and not cite any of it at all 

Well its pretty easy really. I started on this thread criticizing the information already provided. The evidence I did provide is aimed to counter information provided. 

What I speak on now was a documentary on  PBS. I did not foresee my need to record said documentary but it presented enough evidence in itself.  Looking for it has not been fruitful. Finding the exact same thing but under different title or production has not helped either. Oh well. Thats ok. Like I said before I am limited and at first wasnt going to mention it. 

Then why did I mention it? I was asked or at least thought it answered a question that described my thought process not a persuasive argument. 

So, 100% of human behavior is environmental? Is that your stance?
Lol.  No.  

Other predictions are based on genetic clustering.

Other predications are based on the hormonal aspect of skin color and how that is related to aggression, or increased testosterone levels resulting in more violence.
What evidence or stats says a more tanned or dark skinned person is more agressive? 

A )  Okay, so you think that the only genetic cause for poverty are disabilities?

B)   You think the genetic aspect of intelligence has nothing to do with it?

C))   You think the genetic aspect of impulsivity has nothing to do with it?
A). Yes

B) a person with disability conpromises their inherent intelligence. 
How are you measuring intellegence, is it IQ? 

C) I think a  person's impulsivity is based on their environment. There is an average for all people (regardless to race) and their environment shapes it while a disability prevents a person from being compatable with the average. 

5. I seen that link already. I dont agree with the conclusion that a percentage that indicates group a is more violent to group b than group b is violent to group a indicates that 100% of the population from group a is stupid because their skin colour. 

Thats not rational or true. I see a fallacy in there if anyone were to concern themselves with it. 

You understand that skin produces hormones, right? You understand that hormones can effect human behavior, right?
Thyroids and other glands produce hormones. Now we are getting into human biology but I dont see the pro producing evidence for their argument. 

What about me? My only stance thus far is to express disbelief. As said above, thats why I am criticizing more than providing substance fory own personal viewpoint. Among the other inescapable factor(s). 

7. Skin does that ? Ok I will read your new link and respond to it. Thanks.