You also, more importantly, ignore the fact that the overwhelming motivation for Biden voters was not to put Biden in office but to boot Trump out of it.
I have ignored no such thing. That’s the lesser of two evils argument, and even then the results still favor one over the other. Clearly Biden screwed this country over a helluva lot more than Trump could ever have with another 4 years in office (despite all the efforts of the left and the democratic creatures within the swamp hindering his efforts).
When college students, aids to certain pundits, and even news crews go around the country asking everyday people about certain policies and statements made by either the former POTUS or the current one, nearly 3/4+ of the time they respond with Trump when it is in fact a Biden policy or statement made by him.
People have been brainwashed by the legacy media to hate Trump, a man that was once loved before he became POTUS, but hated ever since because of what the left and the media told you think, feel and believe. You people are the gullible ones. We conservatives have more rationality and logic than that to believe everything you hear, especially without a smoking gun with his fingerprints on it.
And I do not give a fuck who did get investigated via witch hunts, arrested, and convicted who knew Trump, knew of him (e.g. happened to be in a photograph with him), or even once worked for him or attended a party. All that is, is the guilt by association argument, which holds zero water.
Oh, and like I said. You clearly have not watched 2000 Mules. It is more than that pithy unsubstantiated retort you gave.
Agreeing to disagree. Done with you and your nonsensical tripe.