0 bitches I can tell
Lauren Boebert was a prostitute and had two abortions.
Prostitution + 2 abortions?Not exactly a good representative of people who oppose to prostitution and abortions.
You haven’t demonstrated any credible examples.
I noticed you did not respond to what your parents and grandparents did to protest the internment camps.
Epstein has donated $147,426 to various Democrats and $18,250 to Republicans
How is this an example of hypocrisy?
What is better a politician who passed pro choice bills and never had abortions or one who has had abortions and whored herself and realizes why that is bad for society and opposes it
There personal choices with their body are none of your business, so long as they are willing to restrict the bodily autonomy of others.
Because it had nothing to do with whether FDR was a hypocrite.
The Democratic party claims to support children.
If they were American citizens it’s their duty to object, protest, and make their voices heard.
And they do.
One of their biggest donors didn't.
perhaps we should agree that hypocrites can be cherry-picked from either party.
So far I've listed 13 more examples than you have.
Even CNN disagrees
Still waiting for any concrete verifiable evidence of the claims of this thread.
found guilty...
In a civil suit, guilt is not the appropriate term, as civil cases do not involve criminal charges
...Either way, you’re still a loser...
' looser '