John.when when you have some significantly relevant comments regarding Fullers remarks..."time is the only dimension"....or other in similar vein.
I'm waiting for an answer to the first significant relevant comment I made about Fullers remarks which was Time is part of all dimensions known X, Y, and Z. I know I'm old and you thought I would forget my point. I don't. Just still waiting to see if a person can do a low-cost experiment after learning very complex and expensive ones with confusing results. Like Fuller said Einstein was into simple explanation. Like, Pi needs to be synchronized, and time does not belong in the any of the tensors twice it can be explained to exist as part of the X, Y, and Z dimension with algebra. Spacetime is only the different way to verbally say unsynchronized time as an written algebra formula.
Good luck with that
Tell me about it. Thank you...
Mathematics are 99.99 % perspiration that end in failure and .01% luck favoring success.