If UBI makes "poor people work less", then the UBI might be too high.
It was half minimum wage and a fraction of yearly income according to two of the studies. I think half of minimum wage is pretty damn low already.
Some UBI "experiments" seemed to make people happier
Which ones?
Many plans have strict requirements such as abiding by the law as a condition to receive UBI.
This seems to be a good idea. Most crime is committed by a small percentage of the population, and, frankly, you want to be removing those repeat criminals as quickly as possible, rather than financially backing them (they're never going to be productive members of society).
Probably UBI would have to be highly tailored to cultural mind sets.
One of the studies talked about how UBI was great for super poor countries (all the studies tested 1st world countries). Countries vary in their collectivist-individualism, too.
A UBI made for every country is made for none.