lives starting in Africa...
Who is your favorite current African Warlord? You know, the guy you send money to when the fake charity scams run on late TV?
lives starting in Africa...
Please come back and share when you actually have some reality to share
-->@TWS1405_2video evidence showing the white moron pointing the rifle at him.That’s another lie. There is no video that shows the actual shooting. The jury relied on eyewitness testimony
GayParrot is a high school substitute teacher. I think he hopes to find his first girlfriend there. So sad
Who is your favorite current African Warlord? You know, the guy you send money to when the fake charity scams run on late TV?......post #15 All ideologies enslave people.
Abbot and his right-wing conservative Texans are stuck in 17 - 18 - 1900's in regards to race women and specifically pregnant womens right to body autonomy.
prosecutors said...
Does Perry have the same right to protect his body as a pregnant woman? Or is bodily autonomy a 1900's concept along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
lives starting in Africa...Who is your favorite current African Warlord? You know, the guy you send money to when the fake charity scams run on late TV?
Here is a video about what has occurred https://youtu.be/dXEypZqhFTY
If you don't believeme, Google it.
- One can't authentically claim to be a Republican anymore unless you can show that you're willing to believe some lies irregardless of fact.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984
Well you must have rejected an assload, because you haven't noticed a single lie from your party.