Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?

Author: Tradesecret


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Is it because the world killed the Son of God and decided to celebrate this fact? 

Or is there another reason? 

It does seem odd that the holiest day of the year for the Christian, Good Friday, which remembers Jesus, dying on a cross, is called good.

Surely it would make better sense to call it Black Friday whilst celebrating his resurrection on the Sunday. 

I am not asking this question because I don't know the traditional church explanation, I am asking to begin a dialogue with people who might also have asked this question.  

Stephen's avatar
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Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?

Does anyone really know?  Like anything else concerning Christianity, Christians appear to make it up as they go along as they do interpreting the scriptures.

From the Roman and Jewish  hierarchy stand point it may as well have been named Good Riddance Friday.

What's more baffling to me is why would many crucifix wearing Christians would go around displaying such an instrument of  violence and torture around their necks, such as this Pastor?

zedvictor4's avatar
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It's good because there are only two days to go until Chocolate Egg Day.

It's a bank holiday, so a chance to chill out, fire up the barbeque (weather permitting) and have a few beers with ones friends.

Chocolate Egg weekend has always been a joyous time of year for kiddies and adults alike.

Interestingly, Chocolate Egg Day varies from year to year. 

Probably all to do with the chocolate harvest.
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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OMG, here we go again with Miss Tradesecret being unworthy to be in this Religion Forum in the first place, by showing her following unbiblical quotes below at her embarrassing expense AGAIN in front of the membership:

MISS TRADESECRET LYING QUOTE ABOUT JESUS:  "Is it because the world killed the Son of God and decided to celebrate this fact?"

Huh? She says the "world" killed Jesus, where the entire world didn't know of Jesus to begin with at His time on earth!  Oh, oh, Miss Tradesecret overdosed on her Bible Stupid Pills®️ again!  Then if the aforementioned notion of hers wasn't embarrassing enough, then she states that Jesus is the "Son of God," which is a bold-faced LIE, because Jesus is the serial killer "Yahweh God incarnate" as shown in the passages below!

Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours.” (2 Peter 1:1)

"Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ," (Titus 2:13)

"Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:" (2 Peter 1:1)

Stephen, when is the membership going to wise up about Miss Tradesecret being the #1 Bible stupid fool, whereas you cannot take her child-like statements relative to Christianity as the truth as shown ad infinitum within this respected Religion Forum?!  ENOUGH!

Once again, I am on duty within this thread of Miss Tradesecrets to show any of her outright Bible stupid quotes again in the name of Jesus.
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
It does seem odd that the holiest day of the year for the Christian, Good Friday, which remembers Jesus, dying on a cross, is called good.
  • Not the holiest day of the year by a long shot.  Easter, then Christmas are the two holiest days of the year.  In the Roman Catholic Calender, there are 62 days of holy obligation (days you must go to church) but Good Friday is not one of them.
    • Nevertheless, it is one of the more interesting days to go to church- the gospel is the very long very dramatic reading of Christ's execution and many churches do a "stations of the cross."  In many churches, Christ's passion is illustrated according to 12 traditon moments- stained glass windows or paintings or reliefs.  The old church I went to maintained a mile-long footpath with beautiful 18th century sculptures along the way.  A walking talking springtime gospel was definitely a welcome change to the usual stuffy ceremony.  Many Catholics choose this day to go to some church other than their regular church, maybe a fancy basillica downtown or some hippy church on the beach- just to see how they do their Good Friday tradition.
  • Keep in mind that Jesus was following the much older tradition of Passover.  Tonight is the night that God ordered every Jew in Egypt to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood over their doorways so that the Angel of Death, the 10th and final plague would pass by.  On Good Friday, Pharoah woke to discover that God had killed every first born son in Egypt except the Jews and he ordered them to leave.  SO- Good Friday is Jewish Emancipation Day.
    • Jewish tradition holds that on the first Thursday after the first full moon after the barley harvest is ripe, the Jewish people thank god for harvest and exodus.  This marks the first day of Spring in the Jewish Calendar.  Each family brough a lamb to the temple for sacrifice and then had to eat that whole lamb before sunrise.  Traditionally, every household had to made clean so this was week of the big annual spring cleaning that also meant removing a lot of unclean foods- dairy, breads, grain alchohol were given away or sold  by Friday.  On Good Friday, Jewish adults were required to drink four cups of win while all the non-Jews were enjoying free grain alchohol- so Good Friday was the drunkest day of the year and everybody had a full belly.  There are traditonal questions and games and prizes for the children.
      • In that tradition,  the apostles gathered in the upper room to eat and drink except that Jesus offered himself to God as the sacrificial lamb to slaughter to take away the original sin of Adam and Eve and grant humanity peace.   The choice that Pontius Pilate gives the people follows sacrificial tradition and ceremonially made Jesus the offering of the Jews to God. 
  • Christians don't call Seder Friday "good"  because Christ died, rather Christ chose to be sacrificed on the first day of Spring, the big Jewish day of sacrifice, on the happiest day of the year in Jerusalem.

Athias's avatar
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It does seem odd that the holiest day of the year for the Christian, Good Friday, which remembers Jesus, dying on a cross, is called good.
Jesus did not die on the cross on Friday.

Surely it would make better sense to call it Black Friday whilst celebrating his resurrection on the Sunday.
Jesus wasn't resurrected on Sunday.

I am not asking this question because I don't know the traditional church explanation, I am asking to begin a dialogue with people who might also have asked this question.  
Because this period isn't meant to remember the death of Christ; it's to inadvertently venerate the mother goddess, whether it be Juno, Cybele, Columbia, Aphrodite, Eostre, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna, Isis, Hathor, etc. That's the reason it's venerated as "Good" as opposed to "Black."

Athias's avatar
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It's good because there are only two days to go until Chocolate Egg Day.
Ask yourself: what  the H-E-double-hockey-sticks do "Easter Bunnies" and "Easter Eggs" have to do with Jesus Christ, much more, his death?

The bunny/rabbit is a symbol of fertility, and typically associated with the mother goddess, who in one of her incarnations is known as the goddess of sex and fertility. I know you're mocking Easter as "Chocolate Egg Day," but you're not actually mocking the concept of Jesus's resurrection--only the pagan rituals that use it as a disguise.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen, when is the membership going to wise up about Miss Tradesecret being the #1 Bible stupid fool.

I believe most members that post regularly in this religion forum have wised up to what a bible dunce the self proclaimed Pastor and Chaplain Tradesecret is,
Brother D.

Mores the point, when are membership and more so moderation going to keep entertaining this natural born liar that has had to create another user account
( DavidAZ) to enable himself to communicate with members that he has permanently blocked?
n8nrgim's avatar
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this topic reminds me of the differing views of atonement. penal substitution v christus victor, they are called. one focuses on jesus' death, while the other focuses on his resurrection. im partial to christus victor and easter, but there's good arguments to be made for penal substitution and good friday, focusing on his death. 
Stephen's avatar
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Wasn't it all god's plan anyway?

Didn't Judas play the part he was supposed to play?
Wasn't the Jewish elders supposed to arrest and put Jesus on trial?
Wasn't Pilate supposed to sentence Jesus to death by crucifixion?
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Luckily he wasn't rescued. 

Picture him telling any would be rescues to go away.  

3 days from death to resurrection.
Who are they trying to kid  ?
Everyone knows it takes a minimum of 5 days.
Stephen's avatar
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Luckily he wasn't rescued. 

Picture him telling any would be rescues to go away.  

Funny that you mentioned that, Deb.

Simon  thought himself ready to die for his Lord, before his Lord had died for him. Jesus must have reminded him that he couldn't because it wasn't in the script. So Simon denied he even knew him after that.

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUOTE IN POST #10: "Wasn't it all god's plan anyway? Didn't Judas play the part he was supposed to play. Wasn't the Jewish elders supposed to arrest and put Jesus on trial? Wasn't Pilate supposed to sentence Jesus to death by crucifixion?"

YES, it was Jesus as God, in His plan from the beginning since He was OMNISCIENT to begin with, and anything less would not be a God,  and He therefore knew everything that was going to happen as you stated above!

“Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known
the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:9-10). 

“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit” (Psalm 147:4-5). 

God damn it, I am sure Jesus is getting very tired, along with us,  of all these Bible inept pseudo-christians that are flooding this Religion Forum at this time!
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Pre resurrection Jesus as god. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
It does seem odd that the holiest day of the year for the Christian, Good Friday, which remembers Jesus, dying on a cross, is called good.
  • Not the holiest day of the year by a long shot.  Easter, then Christmas are the two holiest days of the year.  In the Roman Catholic Calender, there are 62 days of holy obligation (days you must go to church) but Good Friday is not one of them.

Well from the protestant view and certainly from my view. Good Friday is clearly the holiest day of the year.  Easter is significant and a holy day, but it exists only because Good Friday happened.  We can do without Christmas, but Good Friday is the day God demonstrated his love in the most amazing way. 

If the Catholic Church decides that Good Friday is not a holy day, too bad for them.  But there are lots of differences between them and us. 

Nevertheless, it is one of the more interesting days to go to church- the gospel is the very long very dramatic reading of Christ's execution and many churches do a "stations of the cross."  In many churches, Christ's passion is illustrated according to 12 traditon moments- stained glass windows or paintings or reliefs.  The old church I went to maintained a mile-long footpath with beautiful 18th century sculptures along the way.  A walking talking springtime gospel was definitely a welcome change to the usual stuffy ceremony.  Many Catholics choose this day to go to some church other than their regular church, maybe a fancy basillica downtown or some hippy church on the beach- just to see how they do their Good Friday tradition.
It is a day of much reflection. 

Keep in mind that Jesus was following the much older tradition of Passover.  Tonight is the night that God ordered every Jew in Egypt to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood over their doorways so that the Angel of Death, the 10th and final plague would pass by.  On Good Friday, Pharoah woke to discover that God had killed every first born son in Egypt except the Jews and he ordered them to leave.  SO- Good Friday is Jewish Emancipation Day.
That is correct.  Jesus is the Passover Lamb.  Christianity follows the Jewish timer periods for their celebration of death and resurrection. 

Jewish tradition holds that on the first Thursday after the first full moon after the barley harvest is ripe, the Jewish people thank god for harvest and exodus.  This marks the first day of Spring in the Jewish Calendar.  Each family brough a lamb to the temple for sacrifice and then had to eat that whole lamb before sunrise.  Traditionally, every household had to made clean so this was week of the big annual spring cleaning that also meant removing a lot of unclean foods- dairy, breads, grain alchohol were given away or sold  by Friday.  On Good Friday, Jewish adults were required to drink four cups of win while all the non-Jews were enjoying free grain alchohol- so Good Friday was the drunkest day of the year and everybody had a full belly.  There are traditonal questions and games and prizes for the children.
In that tradition,  the apostles gathered in the upper room to eat and drink except that Jesus offered himself to God as the sacrificial lamb to slaughter to take away the original sin of Adam and Eve and grant humanity peace.   The choice that Pontius Pilate gives the people follows sacrificial tradition and ceremonially made Jesus the offering of the Jews to God. 

Christians don't call Seder Friday "good"  because Christ died, rather Christ chose to be sacrificed on the first day of Spring, the big Jewish day of sacrifice, on the happiest day of the year in Jerusalem.
It's called Good Friday because Jesus' death atoned for the sins of the world.  And yes we do call it good for that reason. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
It does seem odd that the holiest day of the year for the Christian, Good Friday, which remembers Jesus, dying on a cross, is called good.
Jesus did not die on the cross on Friday. 
Jesus died, I think most likely on Friday, the day before the weekly Sabbath. It is possible that he died either on Wednesday or Thursday since that week also contained a different Sabbath, that of the Passover.  

Surely it would make better sense to call it Black Friday whilst celebrating his resurrection on the Sunday.
Jesus wasn't resurrected on Sunday.
Jesus rose from the dead either on Sunday morning or Saturday. The disciples attended early Sunday Morning and it appears Jesus was hanging around at the graveside. 

I am not asking this question because I don't know the traditional church explanation, I am asking to begin a dialogue with people who might also have asked this question.  
Because this period isn't meant to remember the death of Christ; it's to inadvertently venerate the mother goddess, whether it be Juno, Cybele, Columbia, Aphrodite, Eostre, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna, Isis, Hathor, etc. That's the reason it's venerated as "Good" as opposed to "Black." 
No, you are incorrect.  This period of time is to do with Christ dying and being raised from the dead. Its timing is with the Passover of the Jewish calendar.  The fact that other religions celebrated their gods at the same time is nothing more than coincidence.  Just like my birthday being on the same day as my cousins is nothing more than a coincidence. 

And while it is true that the Catholic church celebrated this celebration at the same time and perhaps brought other pagan celebrations into join with it, possibly the work of the empire state system rather than the church, it doesn't reduce the Christian celebration one iota. And while I do find it offensive that so many people label it Easter, many Christians refer to Sunday as Resurrection Day and reject the term Easter.  Nevertheless, most people in the society we live would are not church people who would not understand Resurrection Day but would know it as Easter. 

So there are pragmatic reasons for why people call it Easter.  Yet no church that I am aware of would ever see it as anything other than the death and resurrection of Christ.  

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
this topic reminds me of the differing views of atonement. penal substitution v christus victor, they are called. one focuses on jesus' death, while the other focuses on his resurrection. im partial to christus victor and easter, but there's good arguments to be made for penal substitution and good friday, focusing on his death. 
Unless we understand the Cross, then we will never understand the Resurrection. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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Which came first the Pagan or the Christian?

And so surprise surprise J became a symbol of resurrection.

And now we have consumerism, rebranding Easter and selling us a different message.

Happy Chocolate Egg Weekend Athias.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Which came first the Pagan or the Christian?
Not sure why this question is necessary.  Christians accept that pagans were around before Christ and the Church commenced at Pentecost.  It doesn't change the significance of the Christian message at all. 

And so surprise surprise J became a symbol of resurrection.
LOL @ you.  Jesus is not a symbol of resurrection. He is the Resurrection. John 14. 
The Christian Message of their God dying as the messiah and rising from the dead is unique. Of course, many people and religions and movies have mimicked it since. 

And now we have consumerism, rebranding Easter and selling us a different message.
Yes, this is the obvious outcome of non-Christians exploiting a holy day for their personal pockets. 

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Hey God seen me not eat meat today for him hey? 
He so would of.
He kept looking at me checking if i was. 
But ummmmm yeah , the whole day meat free. 
Thanks guys.
Thank you. 

That's points right there hey ? 
That along with my Hot cross bun consumption points sees me in heaven for sure. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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Not sure that Christians never did exploit others for their personal pockets.

Sort of how the system worked/works.

And how  Christian Churches accrued/accrue their wealth.

And, the concept of resurrection wasn't thought up nor monopolised by a bunch of Middle Easterners.

I think that people had noticed that things died and reappeared, long before J supposedly did.

Christian were definitely the plagiarisers  in this instance.

Which therefore tells us that the Christian message was nothing new.

Different wrapping maybe,

Same old chocolate.

Athias's avatar
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Jesus died, I think most likely on Friday, the day before the weekly Sabbath.
Please explain how the difference in days between Friday and Sunday morning amount to "three days and three nights" after he was entombed.

It is possible that he died either on Wednesday or Thursday since that week also contained a different Sabbath, that of the Passover.  
Please explain how the difference in days between Wednesday and Sunday morning amount to "three days and three nights" after he was entombed.

Jesus rose from the dead either on Sunday morning or Saturday. The disciples attended early Sunday Morning and it appears Jesus was hanging around at the graveside. 
The large stone entombing Jesus was discovered to have been moved Sunday morning while it was still dark. Jesus himself stated when he would resurrect, and it wasn't Sunday morning.

No, you are incorrect.  This period of time is to do with Christ dying and being raised from the dead.
No, I'm not. This period as I've said before is in veneration of the Mother Goddess. Starting with the Vernal Equinox (a.k.a. beginning of "Spring") to April Fools Day, also known as "Hiliaria" (the origin of the term, "hilarious") which was Cybele's tribute to her son and lover, Attis; then you have "Palm Sunday" which is not in reference to the Palm branches paving the way for Jesus, but instead for Myrrah and her son Adonis. Then you have "Good Friday" which is in veneration of "Friggs" or "Freyja" the goddess after whom the day "Friday" itself is named. But all these mother goddesses are essentially the same whether its Juno, Aphrodite, Isis, Hathor, Aset, Ishtar, Astarte, Eostre, Maia, Cybele, Demeter, Myrrah, Freyja, Friggs, Columbia, Inanna, Ashera, Semiramis, Rhea, Gaia, etc. They all represent the same thing in the Luciferian triune of the horned God, the Mother Goddess, and the Divine Son. Even the month of April is named for Aphrodite/Eostre. Then you'll have "Earth Week" which will soon follow Easter. That's because the "Mother Goddess" and the "Divine Son" are associated with vegetation. (Earth Week has nothing to do with "saving the planet.") And then the month ends with the night of "Walpurgis" which commemorates "Beltane" which extends to the first of May (named for the goddess Maia) that venerates "Bel" or "Ba'al."

In essence, none of this has anything to do with Jesus or his resurrection. They (Luciferians) merely use it as a cover to have the masses indulge their rituals.

The fact that other religions celebrated their gods at the same time is nothing more than coincidence.  Just like my birthday being on the same day as my cousins is nothing more than a coincidence. 
It's not a coincidence. The pope, who still refers to himself in accordance to pagan rite as "pontifex maximus" should be aware of these pagan rituals, as well as the inconsistency with the timeline of "Good Friday" and Jesus resurrection. He's not oblivious to these "coincidences"; he's confederate in them.

And while it is true that the Catholic church celebrated this celebration at the same time and perhaps brought other pagan celebrations into join with it, possibly the work of the empire state system rather than the church, it doesn't reduce the Christian celebration one iota.
It does if there's no Biblical stipulation to indulge these rituals.

And while I do find it offensive that so many people label it Easter,
And many Christians refer to it as Easter, and embrace the label; not just the label, but the bunnies and eggs (which have nothing to do with Jesus, but with the mother goddess) yet bear no questions as to the reasons Roman Catholicisms push the concept on Christians.

Nevertheless, most people in the society we live would are not church people who would not understand Resurrection Day but would know it as Easter.
And that's the point. As it concerns the Abrahamic religions, there's the "right-hand" interpretation, and there's the "sinister" interpretation (e.g. those who liken Osiris or Heru to Jesus.) These pagan conflations, and transformations of holy commemorations are meant to pervert it.

Yet no church that I am aware of would ever see it as anything other than the death and resurrection of Christ.  
What about the Catholic Church?

I'm not attempting to insinuate that you are "less" Christian; but I can only presume that many Christians, including yourself, are only aware of the right-hand interpretation of these rituals as opposed the "left-hand" or "sinister" interpretation. And you do your adherence a disservice by not educating yourself on both. You don't have to take my word -- do your own research into the subject (that should be protocol for everyone.)

Athias's avatar
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Which came first the Pagan or the Christian?
What are you attempting to illustrate with your appeal to antiquity?

And so surprise surprise J became a symbol of resurrection.

And now we have consumerism, rebranding Easter and selling us a different message.
Aren't you arguing that it's the "same" message, if we are to assume that your allegation that Christianity's concept of Jesus's resurrection was gleaned from paganism?

Happy Chocolate Egg Weekend Athias.
I'm not a pagan. And chocolate eggs are not part of a good diet. So I will be abstaining from this weekend's festivities.

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Palm sunday is my fave. 
Bring a palm leaf to church day. 

When god sees a bunch of his followers with palm prongs he knows / he becomes aware of what the humans call " time " .
After seeing it he knows the following friday is the day the humans call  " good Friday " 
And he knows the humans also consider this time Easter. 

God knows that from one palm sunday to the next palm sunday is a time period the humans call a year. 

He also thinks we are bat shit crazy  bringing palm leafs to church. 
But its the only way god knows the exact day of a human "year"

God also knows a time period of 1 week. 
God hears an increase in the volume of songs sung to him, this being a Sunday. 
Then he hears this same increase in volume of songs sung to him the next sunday.
This is a constant.   Soooooo god knows that this day of louder then normal singing is Sunday.  

Pay day. 

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Like I have said ad infinitum, it is a full time job in correcting the #1 Bible fool Miss Tradesecret!

MISS TRADESECRET QUOTE IN DENYING THAT CHRISTMAS IS NOT A VALUABLE DAY:  "We can do without Christmas, but Good Friday is the day God demonstrated his love in the most amazing way."

WTF did she just say? "We can do without Christmas?"  But, this is Jesus' birthday, whereas it should be celebrated by all pseudo-christians like Miss Tradesecret, and myself as the ONLY true Christian upon this Religion Forum!  How dare she disparage Jesus by saying that we can do without Christmas!

As the TRUE Christian like myself, I have to celebrate Jesus' birthday because it shows the beginning of our faith of Christianity as shown herewith: Jesus, as God, through His spirit, celestially impregnated his own mother Mary through celestial incest, and barring a needed human male Y chromosome to join Mary’s X chromosome for a complete normal human, Jesus was born anyway. This was done by Jesus being God, not only to be Mary’s son, but his own Father as well.  Then through true Hebrew tradition, Jesus became a bastard child (manzer) because Joseph was not Jesus’ genetic paternal father!

Then we Christians have to accept this disturbing biblical proposition herewith when Jesus celestially impregnated His mother Mary through His spirit of godly incest:  No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD. Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother; do not have relations with her." (Leviticus 18:6-7)

With the above facts that we Christians have to accept about our Jesus' birth, this image comes to mind: https://www.imagebam.com/view/ME9ZKOY

Now, what Christian doesn't want to be reminded of the above birth of our Jesus the Christ on Christmas Day, and to therefore celebrate His birthday?


Sir.Lancelot's avatar
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IWantRoosevelt is a Christian and has stated in dms that he doesn’t like it when you mock and ridicule people for their beliefs. 

With that said, he asks politely that you stop because he doesn’t want to get into an argument with you in the forums. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar

Just like everything is gleaned from what goes before.

If we could glean the future, now wouldn't that be amazing.

And for sure, no chocolate eggs for me.

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Hey ZED. 
Happy times man , to you and your fam. 
' punches chest '  Respect.   

Ok A Serious question. 

As much as I'd like to say that , finding out thats santa and the easter bunny ain't real didn't or doesn't effect me not believing in god.

I think it does .
I mean .
I think it did.  

What do you reckon ?

Good day

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUOTE RELATIVE TO THE PSEUDO-CHRISTIAN IWANTROOSEVELT:  "IWantRoosevelt is a Christian and has stated in dms that he doesn’t like it when you mock and ridicule people for their beliefs."

How can I allegedly be mocking pseudo-christians that go directly against the word of my bloody and brutal serial killer Jesus as God, where I am told by none other than Jesus' inspired words to correct these Bible fools?  Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)

Tell the "flake" pseudo-christian IWantRoosevelt to come out of hiding and approach me personally if he can finds his "Family Jewels" to begin with!

YOUR QUOTE SHOWNG IWANTROOSEVELT IS A SCARDY-CAT:   "With that said, he asks politely that you stop because he doesn’t want to get into an argument with you in the forums."

The Bible fool IWantRoosevelt couldn't get in an argument with me regarding the Bible and survive the outcome of me Bible Slapping him Silly®️! Tell this pseudo-christian Bible fool to quit hiding under his mommies apron, and come to me personally with his wants, and I will make short work of Him in the name of Jesus, praise! 


Sir.Lancelot's avatar
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I’d rather not waste his time by tagging him in this thread. If he makes you look like a fool, that would be embarrassing.