As some people are learning in the real world the hard way, there is no set of rules that can't be warped by a sufficiently dishonest judge (or mod). You have no choice but to trust them regardless, the reason to put the rules in precise language is so abuse is obvious and demonstrable
I can tell you, I am in the mod chat and I am that balance. I have a different philosophy as them so it group think is not going to take over. Ramshutu despite being the opposite of me politically also has a different ideal of correct modding philosophy than me and the current mod team and he was invited for that reason.
I have had some mild disagreements with ramshutu in the form of heated discussions in threads. I have been permabanned partially due to Barney's influence and have been banned under whiteflames leadership. So the mods have not surrounded themselves in an echo chamber where they can get away with making decisions that most portions of the community would object to. If anyone doesn't trust whiteflame, Barney or the other mods, they should trust that me and/or Ramshutu will not just sit back and watch the mods abuse the rules without being a real pain in the ass for them. The next presidential election people should really think about their vote. It should be somebody that shares their philosophy yes, but more importantly they should elect somebody who can accomplish 2 things.
1. Be the type of person the moderators will respect,
2. Be somebody who has a backbone and will stand up for what they believe in
If people want to keep this site fair, it is up to them to elect a voice for them that will make sure the COC is enforced correctly and remains fair. The current COC legimately has rules against wrong think in it, and to the moderation team under whiteflame's leadership it has ignored parts of the COC that can be interpreted that way. I will say though that if you look at former users such as MGTOWdemon, they have been banned for wrong think. I was previously banned for wrong think, under previous leadership you (a dream of liberty) would have been banned for wrong think. So I think removing links to the ADL and referrances to hate speech in the COC is very important as in adding the language about the COC stating that no topic is taboo, and this also takes care of the "respect" element so that way people can actually debate here and not just have their opinions shouted down with insults, not that insults are completely off the table.
Words on paper won't accomplish what we want alone, however the site's leadership I would encourage to start molding the minds of new members so they know the expectations of a debate site, especially since if the next phase of my presidency is successful, we will be flooded with a lot of new members and they will outnumber the old members.
I appreciate you helping fight for this sort of liberty on the site ADOL. Hopefully you can remain active enough to take over the presidency when my term ends and can feel safe inviting your friends with similar interests to join this site.