re: "YOUR BIBLEIGNORANCE IS SHOWIN AGAIN IN THIS QUOTE OF YOURS: "What ismore, the existence of a universal almighty deity would not necessarilyvindicate anything that various so-called authorities in religion have to sayabout the deity's opinion of homosexuality?
Reply: My point isn't even about the Bible, so how can it reflectignorance of the Bible? Believe it or not, Abrahamic believers donot own a copyright on the notion of a monotheistic god. See, forexample, Sikhism. Also, since I have no faith that God exists, why would Icare about the Bible's alleged proscriptions against homosexual behavior? That was the point I made in my post. Youhave simply refused to understand what I wrote.
re: “What did you just say? Because Jesus and Mary did not rape innocent children wasthe reason your Kathylick Hell bound husband "Bob" stayed with thedespicable Kathylick Church? This shows how your Hell Bound husband"Bob" was ungodly WRONG in staying with said church whosePEDOPHILE PRIESTS were buggering little innocent children that were left intheir care by their parents!!!! The hardships of the children later inlife that were being FU*CKED by stinky old men priests, goes without question,and you married this Kathylick man named "Bob" that "looked theother way" in this situation, and felt good about it? Surely youjest!!! How sickening can you get?”
Reply: Once again, yourridicule (e.g., “your Hell bound Kathylick husband”) proves absolutely nothingand does you no credit whatsoever. Youreally should consider how your ridicule reflects on you as a Christian.
Yes, the fact that the objects of Catholicveneration (Mary) and worship (the Trinity) did not rape or molest children isa reason why Bob stayed with the Church. It’s weird to read a self-professed Christian write as if these beingswere not real and that the sins of the human priesthood would annihilate anyreason to continue to worship them in the prescribed Catholic manner. You forget that the rape of children isNOT part of any Catholic teaching. Infact, Catholics accept Jesus’s prohibition against harming children. I assume you remember the millstone quote.
This is reflected by the fact that most Catholics,including most Catholic priests, were not involved in child rape. The horror of the abuse scandal in the Churchcomes from the fact that the Church hierarchy played shell-games with child-molestingpriests rather than bringing them to justice. The fact of these crimes doesn’tnecessarily imply that leaving the Church is the best option for aCatholic. Catholic voices of protestfrom within the Church will have a greater effect on the Church hierarchy thanvoices from without.
Your posts, Brother, are tales told byan ideologue, full of words and invective, but signifying very little.