The criminal element hates a one world governance; that makesme for it. You?
Given my old criminal mind and delinquent attitude; I knowthat if I was my old self, I would hate the notion of a one world government.
Such a bank would prevent me from talking advantage of thewhite economy.
Fair taxation makes my criminal wallet lose twofold. I losemy gain and now must pay and play fair. Bummer.
Given my reform and apotheosis, I feel it is my duty to tellall my fellow white economy taxpayers, we all pay taxes, and it is foolish notto have a fair system.
Leaving unfair advantage to the black market does not seemlike a good idea. Right?
I think I would vote for a One World Government, just to getthe One World Bank.
If your government preaches against a One World Government,they are voting with the criminals who hate the idea.
Economically speaking; given that single source bankinggovernance is easy, --- I think that moving a huge economic advantage from theblack market to our white market, --- is a good idea.
I estimate that we all get a 30% raise in pay.
I am bought off. You?