Currently, out of the meat that is made by companies, it’s 100% meat.
I would support a federal policy that requires them to go from 100% meat to 99.5% meat, .5% plant based protein. Every year, the meat concentration goes down .5% until in 200 years, society doesn’t use it anymore.
This I think has the following benefits that would benefit Americans:
1) Eventually no more animals are dying from meat consumption anymore
2) More protein is in the meat that gets consumed, because meat (which is about 25% protein) gets replaced by something that is 100% protein.
3) Health benefits, because less saturated fat.
4) Environmental benefits, because less pollution.
5) Incrreased carrying capacity, because plant based products are more sustainable for the human race.
6) Fairly popular. I’ve asked 3 people in my personal life what they thought of this, most of whom eat meat. They all like it.
7) Society gets used to it no problem, because it’s tiny adjustments every year, and society won’t notice the taste difference.
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