Your post is not clear. What are you agreeing/disagreeing with?
I had some half baked ideal in my head. Basically I think your theory of fearing African Americans is wrong. I do see evidence of it in the general population, but I believe police to be more courageous than your average person.
For example a study done on why black students are disproportionately suspended from school found that teachers feared black students and were less likely to intervene before their behavior became out of hand and only after it got out of hand.
Another study showed that store clerks were more likely to ignore black theft, most likely because of a fear of violent reaction.
So, I definitely realize why you think a cop may be more jumpy around a black person, but I don't think it extends to cops for the most part. If it does, it probably doesn't for cops working in predominantly black areas.
Your average white person when seeing a young black male sagging their pants and looking like an idiot, might see the black kid as a thug and cross the street, but a cop working a predominantly black areas who sees that nearly every young black male looks that way, isn't going to assume the young black male is a criminal unless they give some indicators other than clothing, skin color and slang.
I assume you are a liberal.
Here is what is really going on here. Rich people want you to blame cops. It's true they would rather you blame cops for why so many young black men are in jail that way the problem never gets fixed. If you start looking at the socioeconomic factors that lead to poverty and criminality, you might actually fight for real change. No no no, they rather distract you by blaming cops and judges, instead of having you focus on real solutions, like forcing expensive housing complexes to provide a certain percentage of rentals to poor people or by forcing businesses to pay more taxes that could help these communities require more resources like libraries and community centers and better funded schools.
No, no no. We can't have real effective action. We have to distract the poors by blaming the problems of society on blue collar police officers and distract the blue collar workers by saying the criminality and poverty people are facing is fixed through pulling themselves up by the bootstrap not by making reforms to redistribute wealth to poverty stricken people.
You basically fell for it skeptic. You are probably getting pissed this whole thread because you thought calling cops racist would help, instead of being focused on the socioeconomic factors facing the black community that force people to crime and degeneracy.